Full Version: Should maynard step down? - The eternal question
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Ken it's not like you would really come anyway, I am gonna be there... you dislike your balls.
Come on Maynard,
Step Down,
You aren't needed to code, and you don't do anything else,
you are superfluous,
you add nothing, you do nothing.
You can tell us all about your lunch, and sasquatch, and what you dip your balls in, even if your name is black.....

Or will you beg froy to take you back the day you aren't wanted here?
Maybe you could offer to code OTL for him,
and give him a hundred dollars,
that might be enough to get you named MOD.
Quote:Arpi said I can't bring you as my date maymay
Are you sure about this? I wouldn't want him to knock me out too. Undecided
everyone aboard the choo choo....

next stop, anger management.

What the fuck has gotten into you. Don't you know what happens when you cross Ken???
wrong jew.
Whoa don't delete me IAMMAYNARD.
I love my Gonzo :loveya:
all this guys all need a drink
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