Anyone wanna talk about sucking moose cock while their mother fucks them in the ass with a barbed wire covered baseball bat as their father (you know yer mailman) kicks the bitch in the crusted twat as her meat flaps shake in the wind and spray the air with aids droplettes as a crack baby shoves a rattle up yer dogs ass and then Wilbur comes and fucks the whole lot???
anyone? really is quiet in here today.
::Grabs Luna rips her clothes off blahblahblah garden hose blahblahblah in her eye till it bleeds blahblahblah meat flaps with a roto tiller blahblahblah with duct tape blahblahblah all over her mom's ass.
Your going to wake everyone up. Shhhhhhhhhhh
Be vewy vewy quiet.
quietly throws Luna into the chum pool and licks her clean.
::takes nose out of :moonie: ::
I have a headache from that, back to sleep
maybe they are plotting..... :disappointed: nah
Quote:Anyone wanna talk about sucking moose cock while their mother fucks them in the ass with a barbed wire covered baseball bat as their father (you know yer mailman) kicks the bitch in the crusted twat as her meat flaps shake in the wind and spray the air with aids droplettes as a crack baby shoves a rattle up yer dogs ass and then Wilbur comes and fucks the whole lot???
Nope. You're still no snuka.

:disappointed: :fuckoff:

uicide: :poke:
no one can be Snuka :loveya:
Mr. Thunder,
it was a parody.
Quote:Mr. Thunder,
it was a parody.
This I know, but you are still no snuka :-p :moonie: :poke:
Maybe snuka and howie really did have AIDS.
Quote:Maybe snuka and howie really did have AIDS.