Full Version: How will you die......
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Cancer runs rampant in my family, so I too expect to get some form of it one day and die....I don't smoke so at least I have the lung cancer thing pretty much beaten, but hey, there's always the family fave...BRAIN cancer :bouncer:
Polly's sister will die shortly after I attend a family funeral.
Pssst...Ken...I don't have a sister....and I'd never kill for you, I'd just kill you instead... :fart:
Please bite my head off after sex,
Ever hear the song Praying Mantis by.....I think Don Dixon?
Quote:Pssst...Ken...I don't have a sister....and I'd never kill for you, I'd just kill you instead...
:bouncer: :bow: :bow: :bouncer:
bless you OAS,
i think i'm going to get alzhiemers, go back to acting like a 2 yr old for a few yrs pooping in my pants and crying for my mommy and what not, then die of diabetes or something. i think thats how it works in my family :thumbs-up:
luckily i haven't seen any reoccurences[sp?] of cancer and stuff
I think the two biggest board cunts ever, Unicron and Limped eyed Av8r are going to form an unholy alliance and hunt me down and slit my throat for making them cry.

Either that or a suicidal Ex is going to give up killing herself and ace me instead.

Yes ken, I do have nightmares of her.



i would like to submit that Sean's end will involve spilt beer, a lovenote from Stingray, and a giant Twinkie falling atop his passed-out body. But will these kill him??? No, like Keith Richards, he will plug onward until finally Mr. MojoRising meets him in a dark alley with an uzi.
Quote:Mr. MojoRising

That dude IMed me the other day out of no where...
Like Sean, I think I have pissed enough people off in my day that I am gonna get aced by some one.
yeah...Kid will 'round a posse just for you, Broken. :fuggin:

[Image: gang.jpg]
well, there's not really any cancer in my family, 3 out of 4 grandparents are still alive, and the one who isn't died at 79. i expect it'll be something stupid like getting drunk and falling in the east river, yeah, that's definitely a possibility :thumbs-up: Rolleyes
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