He won't let me fuck board chicks, he's threatened to throw me in the cell if I do.
Bollocks on him I say!!!
Don't you just hate it when management doesn't follow the same standards that they expect the peons to follow. Sad, very sad.
I guess cunt twat and I will have to keep our romance secret..
I'd say it's worth a trip to the cell for. Go for it! :thumbs-up:
Carefull Gonz, Cunt couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it.
i'm not a chick

Quote:Carefull Gonz, Cunt couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it.
I know, she told me you fell asleep in the middle of sex.
Gooch knows my strife, the bitches can't keep their hands off him.
He invited you to lunch to? Did he say it was gonna be an upper class place like houlihans.
houlihan's?!?! fucker took me to Friendly's! fuckin wouldn't even give me a Happy Ending Sundae!!!
I took Cunt Twat to Ruth's Chris.
Quote:I took Cunt Twat to Ruth's Chris.
Did she clean the t-bone?
she sucked the marrow out.
Like you could score with cunt-twat when you couldn't nail down PB.
maybe he could subsititute PB with an STD from Shelle
Quote:He won't let me fuck board chicks
Yer lucky..some of us make those mistakes
Quote:Yer lucky..some of us make those mistakes
See? I was just looking out, yo.
The one thing that GS failed to mention is that i didn't say all board chicks, just the one he wanted to shag.
You would all be just as disgusted as me if you knew.........
but there are a few diamonds in the rough
i'll vouch for it