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I like Sleeper cause he's a fine poster and an all-around cool person, but I don't like that he's an attention whore who feels the need to post about himself because noone else mentioned him.
i think you're cool
right back at ya slick
i respect sean for having no shame and always tell people what is on his mind. hes also always been there for me when i need it. same with uncle gonzo, hes one of the first people that i became friends with.

cls jumps during movies, he made me go see country bears and he got all scared

hybrid is my hubby, nuff said
i dont like gonzo anymore because he blocked me :disappointed:
I unblocked you :loveya:

Arpi is one of my favorite posters on CDIH, I love the guy and think he's uber cool and is one of the few who gets it. What I hate is at times he gets too emotional and carried away and can drive a joke into the ground.
I like Alkey because he's the first person I ever met from any of the OA/RF/etc. message boards that I didn't have sexual relations with.

I hate Alkey because he's the first person I ever met from any of the OA/RF/etc. message boards that I didn't have sexual relations with.

Christ, I met Alkey and Hosp within 2 seconds. How do you like that?
I like Tenbatsuzen, god help me, because he proved he had a thicker skin than both Grumpy and Howie combined. I hate him because, well, he is Tenbatsuzen, I am supposed to hate him, right?

I like CLS because he stood by me even though I do get involved in alot of bullshit at times. He wound up being more stand up then the people who accused him of being a drama queen. Also because he got me hooked on From Autumn To Ashes. Funny, the only thing I acctually hate about him is the fuckin Emo shit. I can't see why he listens to that shit.

I like alkey because, well, he's just Alkey. I hate him because Mr. Thick Skin did have a little bit of thinner skin and had to have me explain to him like 100 times that I didn't want him dead.

I like Kim because she has always been the same, easy going person, in IM's anyway, from the first day I talked to her. I hate her because she is woman and that is an automatic to hate her.

I like Gooch because through all the shit and all the flame wars, he is still here. He has gone out of his way to squash anyshit that has ever happened with me and remained my friend no matter what. There are three reasons I hate him though; "Stone Cold is the shittiest wrestler", "you spilt the beer on me on purpose" and three magic little words: Over The Limit.

I like Kid A and will always be thankful to him for one major thing that I seem to forget alot: If not for him, CDIH never happens. It was the both of us who came up with alot of the shit here. I hate him because at times he is nothing more than a three year old message board bully trying to swing his dick around here whenever he gets a bug up his ass.
I like Sean because he's my special loop buddy and he imed me and made me feel special.

I like Gonzo because he made me laugh and read the board (the other one) before I ever knew anyone or understood it at all. He scares me sometimes though.

I like Hybrid because sometimes, I'll be alone thinking and I'll just laugh out loud remembering something he posted. Sometimes he makes me feel dumb for not getting it though.

I like fblingfrg because he seems like a cool kid with a great sense of humor.

I like Rape because she's a very easygoing fun person with a lot of energy.

I like CRX because she's so fucking smart it scares me.

I like Crackhitler because he puts up with me.

I like Drusilla because she makes me giggle.

I like AIMP because he's so funny. He just isn't funny in person.

I like Alkey because he's not afraid to put himself out there for everyone to mock.
I love Silera, well cause she looks like alkey. But she's become more like a sister to me since we started talking, she can be very girly yet be like "one of the guys" at the same time, she doesn't look for attention or crave it like some and she's a very straigh shooter... What I hate about her, well she has sex with Alkey.

CLS is cool peoples even if he is a walking rumor mill, and I hope he knows I joke when I call him that. He's been around as long as I can remember, I still remember the Siskel and Ebert sig. What I hate about him.. I really dunno, except for the fact he turned out to be a little bitch at the movies.
where to begin?

i like silly cause she always makes me laugh & always knows exactly what i am thinking.

i like trishy cause she can kick my ass.

i won't mention why i like crack hitler for the above reason.

i like rape cause she was everything that i hated in high school - but you'd never know.

i like alkey & aimp cause they make such a cute couple.

i like cls cause he taught me the ways of the world.

i like hybrid cause he says "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" & makes me great sigs.

i like dingaling cause he so helpful with hosting.

i like gonzo cause he's mine.

Edited By Drusilla on Aug. 18 2002 at 3:43
Quote:he turned out to be a little bitch at the movies.
Have I mentioned how i hated Amy yet? because i do.

I like gonzo because he's probably the most intelligent and original guy around here, not to mention funny as Hell. He's responsible for the funniest moment that i can remember with anyone from the board, convincing a drunk girl at bar 9 that he was mavric and going off on everyone :lol: i hate that he believes amy's viscious lies!!!

I like dru because her sense of humor is pretty on par with mine, thus she makes me laugh a lot

I like alkey because he knows how to take a joke better than most, and has brilliant moments of teh funny spaced between vast geological ages of flaming homosexuality.
Quote:convincing a drunk girl at bar 9 that he was mavric and going off on everyone

Let's not forget my hour long tirade on brain outside bar 9 and the laziness of negroes. Then making a retard cry and run home from hooters.
you should put together a greatest hits album.
Licking alkeys ear for money, making a retard lick a window for 10 bucks. Making k1d leave the softball game, instigating sean bitching out unicron which I most enjoyed watching.. sean was so mean even I got scared, I thought he was talking to me the 1st 20 seconds. I was ready to go for my knife and cut him.
[quote="Making k1d leave the softball game[/quote"]
While you did contribute to my leaving that game, it was more the fact that everyone there except for Buttmunch and Dan from Oakland shunned me, that made me leave.
dick. :moonie:
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