Full Version: If i start a new thread, would everyone - Bitch and defile?
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I have a new idea for a thread,
I will try a route I haven't yet traveled,

in this thread I am going to post all the random thoughts that pop into my head.

THOUGHT #1: I would like to welcome Spit back to the realm of the mere member, her name does not glow anymore but her image still sparkles to me......

more as I get them, promise.
I just poured a cup of coffee and all we had is flavored, I hate fucking flavored coffee, why wouldn't they make a pot of regular AND a pot of flavored, just fucking inconsiderate in my book.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 20 2002 at 9:59
Thought #3
Thought #4:

Why not?
Thought #5
Why are magazines homo erotic? Cosmo is filled with naked women and GQ is filled with near naked guys.......
it seems a little backwards.
Thought #6
When was the last time anyone here looked at a Playboy, the internet has made porn so readily accessible that the Playboy concept seems to belong in the past.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 20 2002 at 10:12
Isn't Alkey's success ratio at Bar 9 already proof of the "Beer Goggles" theory that Dent just posted about.
I like flavored coffee better
Playboy is an institution, plus the have the mansion & bunnies, and all that, not that you'll get to meet them, but you know..
Thought #9
If you have the same thoughts as Ken is that bad?

DGW, thinks about Ladi bound and gagged face down and eating a chocolate Sundae out of her ass???!!!
Thought #11
I'm relieved, I think of Ladi bound and gagged face down eating a vanilla sundae out of her ass

Do you put a cherry by her cooch too, so she can reminisce about being eleven again?
Thought #13
Stop thinking

What can I ever do to make OAS play nice?........

(aside from leaving, dying, or joining the French Foreign Legion)
Thought #15
Blueberrys go well with Corn Flakes.
Thought #15

The French never did anything bad to us.
Quote:Thought #15

The French never did anything bad to us.

If he likes the French I feel much better about him disliking me.
Now I want ice cream for lunch.... and not nessicerilly to eat :moonie:

I can't spell anymore.
Thought #18

Why do we continue to humor Ken?
Why do I dream about work, then think it really happened? :disappointed:
What good is ice cream on you without the cherry?
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