Full Version: My thread is better than your thread
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mi pollo es más amarillo que su pollo, ese!
Oh yeah. Well my dad can beat up your dad.
Like I even know who my dad is...
I know him, he sold me drugs the other day
he gots the good ish
Heather has two mommies.
Quote:Like I even know who my dad is...

Yeah.. just conform to the stereotype.
Quote:Heather has two mommies
nuh uh!
I disagree.
Uh huh she does!! She does!!!!
care? :lookatme:
There is nothing to disagree with. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact.
marbles dont make good candy
this is a good thread,
I would like it more if I spoke spanish,
currently I think it means my chicken is more yellow than your chicken.
Yo no deseo trabajo mas.
¿que no?
¿Cualquier persona durmiente visto? Él me debe diez dólares.
Porque quiero al estallido en el tambor todo el día.
"Because I want to the outbreak in the drum all the day. " ????
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