Full Version: Whistles- pro or con?
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there has been alot of talk about whistles lately and i would like to guage everyones feelings on the matter.
Arpi....this is exactly the kind of dumb ass thread that we're trying to avoid.

You can't REALLY think that this thread has any quality to it do you?
Arpi's favorite whistles come from construction workers.
This thread sucks
i am going to say that you are against the whole whistle issue
No, I don't mind whistles.

But haven't you guys noticed lately that every thread just blows monkey dick? I'm not saying every thread has to be a winner, but do you really need to start threads just to get people to talk about nothing?
well, i am glad you like whistles at least
Quote:But haven't you guys noticed lately that every thread just blows monkey dick?
Not true Maynerd, Arthur's Where Do You Like it thread is showing early promise. :-D
it would be better if it had a whistle in it

ALMOST every thread blows monkey dick. :thumbs-up:
Ever hear of the game "Whistle for Your Nipple"? It's a schoolyard game. You walk up to someone and grab their nipple and squeeze. Tell them to "whistle for your nipple" and they have to whistle to get you to let go. hard to whistle when you start pinching hard and twisting.
I have heard of this game Arthur,
only we called it get expelled for sexual harrasment.
i personally don't think you can go wrong with a good whistle.