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I think he was referring to Skins
Not necessarily you
I could be wrong
Start one up Ken
Im a Cowboy fan so we'll have soemthing more to argue
YOU will be my bitch this year DGW,
Emmitt will be killed by my linebacking corps.
Here's my $0.02:

Inactivity is not going to kill this board.

Pointless threads do suck.

When the board isn't active, a pointless thread doesn't help.

Most people don't start threads. That's just the way it is.

You should start a thread when you have an idea for one.

You should NOT start a thread just because nobody else is starting them.

The occasional pointless thread is not a bad thing. Having the same person continually starting pointless threads (a la ken's pen) or starting mirror threads (a la arpi) IS a bad thing.

However, the most important point to be made here is that if you tell people how/what to post, they will inevitably stop posting. Also, you can't offer what you feel is constructive criticism about post content, because you will always be seen as complaining about it. Even, when you state, "I AM NOT COMPLAINING".
Arrington, Trotter and Armstead are quite possibly one of the best threesomes at LB ever assmbled
But if you're going to tell me Wurfel is your starting QB then I am smiling myself
as long as he doesn't fumble when he hands off to Davis, we will be ok,
plus he knows the system and will do fine till our rookie (whatshisnuts) gets up to speed.
Wait, I get it now... you guys are hi-jacking this thread to hold a chat.

Nice work, boys. Carry on.
I don't really care for your opinion Kid,
you said bad stuff about me,
and now I shall pretend that you don't exist.......

you are just jealous...........
Hasn't everybody, at one time or another, started a "pointless thread" around here?
I think they have, luna. But, I think that doing so just to create activity is counterproductive. Don't you?

Let us not point the finger (at arpi and ken's pen). Let us instead go forth and post many threads the likes of which mayfag has never seen.

But, not until after I stick this hot poker up my ass and then chop my dick off. (thanks GC)
Yes Luna. Of course. Like I stated in the beginning, I've been MORE than guilty of it in the past. There are a few people that do it all the time though, and that's all they do.

This was not a thread to plea for everyone to stop the pointless threads, just for the repeat offenders to slow it down a bit.
waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa
Quote:think they have, luna. But, I think that doing so just to create activity is counterproductive. Don't you?

Let us not point the finger (at arpi and ken's pen). Let us instead go forth and post many threads the likes of which mayfag has never seen.

But, not until after I stick this hot poker up my ass and then chop my dick off. (thanks GC)

You're welcome my bestest buddy in the world (as voted by the members)

I agree with k1d.

I also am demoding maynard and dent for leaking info from ES and using all my ideas, muhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!

You guys need to get over it, be more like k1d and me. We never defile posts or tell people what to post or not, fuckin children.

The point is it is a message board, everything is not a chat thread. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO "CHAT" it's a board that uses text to communicate with others. Pointless threads are ok for brainfarts, like a shitty action flick just for some mindless entertainment. But don't be afraid to start a thread, people need to stop being siskel and ebert in threads cause many of the people who crtique threads are pretty unfunny fucks who can't start decent threads.

Just post and be merry and stop worrying about what others are fuckin doing, if you don't like it do something about it. What has to stop is the defiling of threads on purpose cause then people don't wanna reply and good threads get killed.

Take a point from k1d and I.
Fuck you Gonzo for concuring with k1d before I could. ;-)

I was gonna post something along the lines of what k1d said but he took the words out of my mouth.

Luna, no offense but I think you are taking shit personally. Nobody even pointed you out as being the problem. We don't have to agree on what we like to read or post but thats not going to stop me or you from doing it. I actually think i've done a really good job of not ruining threads i think suck anymore. If I don't like them, I just don't reply to them anymore. My posting may have gone down but I pick my spots more now than before, not to mention I have spent far less time lately due to the summertime and less time I want to spend in front of a computer.

At this point I really don't care if anyone starts innane threads if thats what they enjoy. I actually find more than my share of threads here that I do enjoy and I reply to them. I bitch far less now about the ones I don't, I just ignore them.
Luna's being anal.... what that's it, I just wanted to say anal and luna.
Quote:I actually think i've done a really good job of not ruining threads i think suck anymore. If I don't like them, I just don't reply to them anymore

Keyser I think it is a little disingenuous for you to pat yourself on the back for this. You interuppted every game thread and argued that they were stupid until no one started any anymore, now you are pleased that you stopped???

I think although they might have been speaking as members having two MODS like Maynard and Dent critiquing threads has led to a situation in which today we have quite a few people logged in, but no one is saying nothing.....

word association:

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 22 2002 at 1:04
I promise to never defile another game thread again. Game on.
Quote:Luna, no offense but I think you are taking shit personally. Nobody even pointed you out as being the problem.
No offense, Keyser, but I don't think you know the whole story and I'm past the point of wanting to explain it to you.

Quote:word association:

[Image: ACF1BB.jpg]
I didn't know pointless threads were such a sensitive issue.
It's a shame when people believe the wrong people.

People who try and harm other's for no reason at all are petty, pathetic individuals. And that trait in their personality shines through to those who have their eyes open to it. They can fool some people, but over time, their luck runs out. And they're left with nothing.
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