Full Version: Underground sex chat thread
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that was no bottle,
and that sure as Hell wasn't formula you were chugging down.
:blow: hehe feels like butterflys in my tummy

:fart: ooo, change my diaper?

Edited By Hey Ladi on Aug. 23 2002 at 2:13
mmmmmmm applies balmex up to the third knuckle and takes diaper off.
hurry hurry get the other one before I pee on your hand
:Confusedllllllooooooooooooooooowly reaches for new diaper::
oooopsy :Confusedtanding in a puddle::

(this is another fucked up thread)

will you get down on your knees & wipe it up? I 'promise' not to step on your hand in the very high boots.....

:: makes the bad girl sit naked in her own mess::
that will teach you
bad bad girl.
::pouts:: waaaaaaaa I'm gonna get diaper rash!
Look! My shoes are getting dirty :disappointed:
lick it? :clueless:
I hate that the bitch knows my weaknesses........
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