So, what do you do when you feel the need to be creative?
Paint? write? sculpt? Weld something? Carpentry?
I have very little drawing skill, but I can look at a cartoon picture and copy it by eye free hand. Haven't done that in a while.
Usually I'll pick up an instrument and play or write music for awhile. Or I'll do some kind of computer art.
I used to write, but I haven't had any writing inspiration in awhile.
When I am feeling creative, most of the time I will work on images for my web page, or if I'm bored and feeling creative, do an overhaul of my web page.
I start threads on message boards.....
I like to draw a lot.....pencil or pen.
I have just enough talent to be frustrated that I don't have more,
I struggle with faces, most drawings of people look enough like them to be a relative, but I somehow usually miss the essence of the person.
I used to write all the time, but I've been drawing a blank recently... I've been doodling a lot recently.
I write, I'm working on a short story now actually. It's about being in a concentration camp from the view of a nazi guard who is actually hiding the fact he is a jew.
I also listen to music, listening to music actually helps me write. usually either some: miles davis or ok computer and abbey road.
How much of that story do you have done GS? I'd like to read it when you're done.
I work on my picture editing, or write a little computer program that does something fun or interesting... I know, loser... :-p
I'm pretty good with a set of tools, but never had a real set of my own or a workshop. Haven't built anything since my senior year of college when I built a one person dune buggy from scratch with a couple of other guys.
i draw, write, post, etc. i tend to look to do more when work or life gets frantic, and i need some emotional or mental outlet to vent, play, etc. like...the song parody i did yesterday i did after i got bad news about my grandmother, who's clinging to life. sometimes, i just need to do something to kind of sort myself out, and take a break from the mundane.
i have projects for myself which i want to do: novel, screenplays, etc...but anything that isn't instant gratification or just requires a longterm committment, i seem to have constant trouble with. Conceptually, i have two novels and 2 screenplays planned out...but that is all fuckin useless unless i can put it to paper. so, creativity for me, seems to be some sort of struggle...the small and instanteous stuff of a sketch, post ditty, sig pic, etc...comes with ease and sometimes almost effortless, but the bigger things that I have my heart set on, I feel a constant battle with myself over. Sometimes, i feel that somehow i am failing myself in my inability to get past this.
Shit, is this thread a therapist couch? Obviously, i'm having a bit of an issue with this lately...nice to be able to put it to words finally. :-D
I used to like building shit. That was until I did it as a profession.
I used to write till my ex destroyed all of my old notebooks.
I used to make tons of mix cd's until said ex went and fucked those archived cd's up by scratching them.
Now, I play my PS2 and build teams, if the EX touches the PS2, she loses a fuckin finger.
i write. everything from songs to just random thoughts. i hope to write a book someday.
i sing. perfecting songs that are really hard to sing. i want to learn how to play the geee-tar.
i knit. sweaters, blankets, name it i can knit it. last christmas as part of my friends presents i made them all scarfs. they loved them cause i put so much time and effort in to them, meant more then just getting a store bought gift.
i sing, play guitar, write music, write in a journal, working on a screenplay with another writer, i take photographs, i play with photoshop.
I sing and write music with my friends, though I'm thinking about taking more voice lessons, it's so much harder to sing with a guitar than a piano...
I haven't written anything in a while, usually I write free verse prose or songs. I feel really blocked lately, though there's a cheap online class you can take to clear up writer's block...someday I'll have enough patience to write a novel
Quote:I used to write till my ex destroyed all of my old notebooks.
that's fuckin horrible. how is this bitch still breathing???
Quote:that's fuckin horrible. how is this bitch still breathing???
Because shit splatters when you hit it.
Quote:though I'm thinking about taking more voice lessons, it's so much harder to sing with a guitar than a piano...
yes it is. just be sure to get someone that you are comfortable with, i have heard some vocal coaching horror stories. i've never had lesssons, my voice luckily enough is just there. so just look in to people thoroughly, even check with past students.
Quote:I cook
Heating up a spoon with a lighter does not make one a chef.