Sometimes I take out my contacts, wash my face or brush my teeth.
Sometimes I just go right to check the alarm, get off, pass out.
(Sometimes I'm too tired to whack the crack, which is a shame.)
How do you go to bed without taking out your contacts? When I fall asleep on the bus and wake up, my lenses are like glued to my pupils...I can only imagine the fun times it would be if I didn't take them out before real bed time.
I've left my contacts in for months at a time. I am a very irresponsible contact lens wearer. I have disposables that I take out when they start to bother me. I just use rewetting drops in the morning and its all good.
Mine aren't disposable, they're daily wear ones, and they're $150 a lens :disappointed:
I actually tired to start taking them out more often. It looked like I had a piece of eye snot stuck to my eyeball, and it wouldn't go away. So I blamed the contacts, and started takeing them out more. But the glasses I have are old & give me a headache, so I can't wear them for long.
sleeping with contacts
no way for me
i have daily wear also
i actually did it the other night and the fucking thingz were stuck to my eyes
then when i took em out and everything was blurry for almost 2 hours
not good walking around work and not beinng able to notice people from 20 feet away
as long as i drop a few rewetting drops in i'm all good. if i don't have drops to put in like if i stay over someones house the night before i walk around blurry until i build up enough tears to clear it up.
i usually just think back to the days when arpi and I used to frolic among the daisy and that usually gets me all welled up.
Umm, I take a leak and go to sleep. :clueless:
Quote:if i don't have drops to put in like if i stay over someones house the night before i walk around blurry until i build up enough tears to clear it up.
Oooo, I hate when I go out without them. Sometimes I have to resort to licking my finger & sticking it in my eye.
I hate showering with contacts in too. If I get water in my eye, the contact will excape.
Quote:Sometimes I have to resort to licking my finger & sticking it in my eye.
I am soooo glad I have 20/20.
brush teeth
take contacts out
strip down to my skivvies
crash out
What no list of skin care products?
Generally I sit online until there's no one left to talk to, around 5 or so. Then I go to the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth. Climb into bed and watch the soap operas I taped from that day. Masterbate for an hour or so, then get up to start my day all over. I usually sleep once a week, twice if I'm real drunk.
i usually shower before i go to bed, so i try to get as much done in there as possible, brush my teeth, masturbate, etc...
then i smoke a bowl and go to bed...
Quote:Generally I sit online until there's no one left to talk to, around 5 or so.
So I am not worthy enough to talk to, you fuckin cunt.
Watch t.v
Brush teeth
Wash Face
and then either watch some more t.v or listen to R+F.
Then i'll go into the bedroom and set the alarm clock
Then i'll fix the bed( make sure the blanket and sheet are the way i like em)
Then hopefully i'll fall asleep.
Edited By PatCooper on Aug. 25 2002 at 10:45
Quote:It's almost better than a sleeping pill and a dose of nyquil.
Pfft. If you've got the NyQuil and still need a sleeping pill, you're not doing it right.
Edited By Noellevious on Aug. 25 2002 at 11:53
Quote:Pfft. If you've got the NyQuil and still need a sleeping pill, you're not doing it right.
HA! I can drink a bottle of NyQuil and take sleeping pills and sleep still doesn't work.
Down it with some vodka and cocaine.
So what is your post waking up ritual.....
mine is leaning against the wall over the toilet at a thirty degree angle so I can pee with the morning hard on and get some in the bowl.