From the Ross Report:
WWE and Sean Waltman, aka X-Pac, have mutually agreed to part ways. Personally, Sean is one of my all-time favorite people in our business and one Hell of a talented in-ring performer. I truly wish him nothing but success in the future
Thank God this fucking worthless tools is GONE!!!
Quote:did you not see this?
nope. My bad. Oh well...

Thats it. Where do I sign up to ban people?
Quote:Sources close to the situation are saying that it was actually X-Pac who was pushing for a release from WWE. WWE was reportedly wanting to keep on paying him while they sorted things out and figure out exactly what to do with him in the future. However, he has been unhappy with the way WWE has used him over the past couple of months and just wanted out. No word on what his plans are now, but rest assure, there will be plenty of indie, Japanese feds and NWA-TNA managers calling him up.
Quote:Japanese feds and NWA-TNA managers calling him up.
tits & ass? :thumbs-up:
You should be beaten with a stick, trailer bitch.
Quote:tits & ass?
According to them it means total nonstop action. Having never seen it I can't say if it's true or not. :clueless:
Gonzo, if you think your stick will reach.... you can do it :poke:
Ladi will let anyone do it, if it's big enough......
Ladi after hearing of the sticks you been beaten with, even I will have to pass.
I still love ya cuddle bunny. ;-)
Quote:after hearing of the sticks you been beaten with
what? 75 is a low # right? :-D