Full Version: Small things - That piss me off
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Pages: 1 2
I am not challenging their legal rights or calling in weights and measures...
simply saying that it is intentionally deceptive to sell 3 oz. of product in a box that could hold a pound.
when LZ says a class you found hard, was a "breeze". You need to re-evaluate your standing society.
I think LZ got Physics confused with Phys Ed.
Here's a simple solution to movie theater candy boxes...bring your own.
Absolutely! When I took my son to see Harry Potter, we stopped at 7-11 beforehand and stocked up a big bag. And it's not like I really snuck it in...I had it right out in the open (in a bag, but stuff was sticking out) and no one said a word.
So when you are seeing a movie with a boyfriend and eating from the bag on his lap, are you ever struck by the notion....
::that's funny, I don't remember packing a penis in my goody bag::
You mean that's happened to you too? :lol:
I pack my penis where ever I can....
with a sock?
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