Are you going to kill all the forums Ken?
why not change it to the "hate jews, chinks, niggers and spicks" forum
that would be cool... :burnfucker:
No Ladi,
I am afraid of the Uber Geek Forum I shant go in there.....
Music shall become nothing but 80's new wave,
Anger Management shall be shut down as there is far too much anti Ken sentiments being expressed there.

Quote:Not all us STM's are gone you jack asses
Hi Kingpin! :lookatme:
Quote:Music shall become nothing but 80's new wave,
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs-up: will tear us apaaaart
is that a marriage proposal? :loveya:
you really want to stay, dont you?
why do you have to go back?
how come the good citizens have to go back?
you work, you have an apt, wtf!

Don't knock Joy Division! :angry:
I was singing, not mocking.
Better not have been. I'd have to throw an Ian Curtis beatdown on your ass.
as long as you commit an Ian Curtis suicide afterwards. :thumbs-up:
You got it buddy! :thumbs-up:
So what WILL become of this Forum....
ah meatflaps.
OK here is my forum submission,
an anti Short Bus theme....
ala Martha Sterwart LZ is made a mod and he takes over the forum and instructs us on how to live a more brand aware lifestyle......