Full Version: How lazy are you - Take this dumb ass test thing
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Quote:Can you tell me to shut up too?
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:Can you tell me to shut up too?
Oh yeah that's it! :bouncer: If I'm bad will you lock me in the closet?
Quote:70% lazy

Now back to that week old meatball sub and train mission in GoldenEye!
people lazier than you (18%)
people just as lazy as you (2%)
people less lazy than you (79%)
60% lazy
66% Lazy
46%!! WTF! I didn't even answer all the questions. How much lazier could I be.
Wow... 99% lazy

Now back to that week old meatball sub and train mission in GoldenEye!

people lazier than you (0%)
people just as lazy as you (3%)
people less lazy than you (96%)
Danked Wrote:i'm soooooo lazy, i didn't take your stupid test
72% lazy

Now back to that week old meatball sub and train mission in GoldenEye!
FNMoron Wrote:
Danked Wrote:i'm soooooo lazy, i didn't take your stupid test
yeah, me too, but then i got bored:

84% lazy

Now back to that week old meatball sub and train mission in GoldenEye!


people lazier than you (8%)
people just as lazy as you (1%)
people less lazy than you (90%)
crx girl Wrote:
Danked Wrote:i'm soooooo lazy, i didn't take your stupid test
yeah, me too, but then i got bored:

84% lazy
yeah, i took the quiz about 5 minutes later...

and congrats on being 4% lazier than me. now try taking it sober, stoner.
I don't know how this is possible, but I only got 36%, it can't be right.
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