Class of 85 checking in (yes, I'm old :lol
Made it out of high school with honors, then did as little work in college to get a B, now will get my Master's at the end of the year. Back then, I was given the following choice....."go to college, or enlist" by my parents....pretty easy decision to make, no? Can't remember a fucking thing I've learned in the classroom...but can remember every person I used to hang out with and almost every party I've been to. Yep, my priorities are in check :thumbs-up:
K1d, I think it takes more balls to do what you did than to go the conventional route.......we all did what was "expected" of us......bah, that fucking sense of order and responsibility :fuckoff:
class of 89 HS
i had to wait for Metal to post
went to college and majored in drug experimentation, and minored in alchohol induced vomiting
those were probably the only courses i recieved credit in
left after 2 1/2 years and been working since
over 9 years at my cureent employer
fourth different job title
Edited By DGW on Aug. 27 2002 at 8:57
Quote:i had to wait for Metal to post
Nice...tool! Now I'm waiting for OAS to post
Class of '84 here.
BUT....I quit in my junior year (11th grade). I have a GED (good enough diploma), too.
I did not quit because I could not make the grade. I was doing quite well and was actually being transferred to more advanced classes.
I don't have any regrets either.
Class of 96. Did really good in school (though didn't fit in with the smart kids at all....Hell, my best friend was a drop-out) went straight off to college, full ride, it was a cakewalk except for having to work full-time throughout. Got a degree in pr/journalism, got a job in pr...but have no clue what I want to do in my life.
MHS class of '89
HS was a breeze.
i was in all of the advaced classes. calculous, trigonometry, physics AP. higher math fucked me up and physics is useless in the everyday world. sure i can tell you the earth's gravitational pull (9.8 meters per second squared) but what good does that do me? sine and cosine and all of that other happy horseshit does not help me in the least bit. i basically coasted through high school. by the time i was a senior more than half of my classes were electives because i had already met the requirements to graduate when i was a junior.
i wasted a semester and a half at CCM a.k.a. Harvard on the Hill and dropped out. i frustrate the shit out of my parents because they know that i'm smarter than my older twin brothers (1 is a mechanical engineer with degrees out the wazoo and the other holds a few degrees also) but i'm a lazy sack o' shit!! and i'm quite content that way.
Edited By LZMF1 on Aug. 28 2002 at 9:07
MHS Class of '93!!! :moonie:
At least I think I graduated. Jr. and Sr. year are kind of a drug induced blur. Wait....yes....I remember the square hat thing now. Right.
College? Nope, not yet. I'm on my 3rd career and I hate every minute of it. I will probably end up taking some classes in design. I wanted to go back in the fall of this year, but it's just not the right time. I suck. Although, there are just so many things I can do in design, I'm not really sure what I want to do. Worked as a graphic designer for 5 years, and I'm not sure I want to do the same type of work I was doing before.
Quote:though didn't fit in with the smart kids at all....
spit i know the feeling. i remember in grade school they made everyone take those stupid tests.....i think they were called the "Iowa Tests" or something like that. in 5th grade i decided to actually put in some effort........the results came back and all of my teachers were dumbfounded! i was quickly placed in the nerd classes and even had a class called G.A.T.S. (gifted and talented students). i hated it......i couldn't stand all of the fucking brains crying and whining if the didn't get an A+ on everything they handed in. even at an early age i didn't give a fuck....... anyway, i stayed in the mega-geek classes til 8th grade and i had decided that i didn't want to be in classes with people that would cry if they grades they received weren't up to their standards so i spoke to my guidance councelor and requested that i get placed back into the general population of students. i still slacked off but at least i didn't have other students scolding me if i didn't do my homework. :crackhead:
HAHAHAHA....I remember GATS. :rofl:
URA Geek!
I coasted through high school. Barely ever studied and got a low 90's average. And that was because I sucked at Italian and couldn't get over an 85 and usually high 70's in that class.
It was bad cause college kicked me in the teeth when I tried to carry over those bad study habits and had to learn for the first time how to really study.
Oh, yeah. Highschool Class of '94.
Quote:HAHAHAHA....I remember GATS. :rofl:
may, i'll bet you couldn't stand those mega-schmega geeks either!
i know i didn't
Quote:and minored in alchohol induced vomiting
fun times, I used to get so snotted at least once a month, throw up & go to sleep. Used to sleep soooo much in college, I miss that.
Quote:It was bad cause college kicked me in the teeth when I tried to carry over those bad study habits and had to learn for the first time how to really study.
I never got that far, sqeaked out on about a C I guess. Close enough.
I went home the 1st 2 yrs of college & away the second 2.5. Much better experience than HS. Though I still don't know what I'm doing with myself. :thumbs-up:
peepal hoo didant grajewate hi skool is stoopid.
:disappointed: I'm such a geek.....I did really well in high school, really well on my SATS, and I'm a MEGA geek in like a 3.6ish gpa...almost a A-.