Full Version: Fu jack - As per instructed!
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Careful Jack, the butch gum teacher is eyeing you.... she wants to hear you scream like a girl
Ok, but you have to stay there while she comes for you with the broom handle too... :moonie:
I thought you said the Gym Teacher, not the Janitor. Confusedneak:
Jack, just dress up in black face and come meet out great NYPD.
Wrong thread. The cop thread is in the same forum. How could you miss it?
Traffic punk cops don't carry the 'heavy artillery'

Jack has cherry-red nipples.
Sorry to break it to you this way.. but that wasn't my nipple.
So many places to drop his load, Gonzo gets them confused sometimes.
Jack has pink nipples, sorry.
Only after a little bit of stimulation.
Pages: 1 2