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Everyone has a line they won't cross. Jokes that are too offensive for them, stuff they won't do, things they won't talk about.

How do you find someone's line? Do you enjoy pushing it and seeing how far over the line you can get before they lose it?

Does anyone on this board even have a line anymore?
I will not stand for being called a "nigger" directly.

People make jokes like, "hey I thought this was a no nigger party", and that's not over the line. BUT, only if I know them, and I know they are joking and not calling me a nigger directly.

If someone says to me, "shut up you stupid nigger", depending on the day I'll either ignore them, or beat the ever-loving shit out of them.

That and don't fuck with my family physically or emotionally.
My line has to do w/ me being a jew, usually there is nothing that can get to me but when its a really mean racial joke against jews that could cross the line nad get me roaly pissed off im not funt hen
I think my only line is similar to k1ds. Don't call me a nigger.

No wait....don't fuck with my friends or family. They're my blood, and my friends, and I don't take kindly to people fucking with them. I'll bend over backwards for them, and for most, even take a bullet.
I just don't like when people make fun of me in general. It hurts so bad :-(
Quote:Everyone has a line they won't cross. Jokes that are too offensive for them

I think I crossed the line, pissed on it and then kept on walking till I couldn't see it, last night at bar 9.
Quote:I think I crossed the line, pissed on it and then kept on walking till I couldn't see it, last night at bar 9.
the cow goes....
Family is my line. I can take jokes about me, but when you fuck with my family. we have a problem...
CLS, lol even you have no clue what happened afterwards. I won't tell stories cause if I do, I think the internet may implode.
I'm just gonna assume Fingerbang was involved somehow.
making fun of my actual family and friends. if its just something about my mom by somebody who ovbiously doesnt know her or anything, its nothing, but somebody maliciously making fun of my family i cant take. i do have fun finding other people's lines, though...cross it only once
Quote:I think I crossed the line, pissed on it and then kept on walking till I couldn't see it, last night at bar 9.

I have no line to be crossed the stuff people say about me or my family is just there opinion.
FB didn't show but if I punked him, I would definetly tell everyone, lol.

Personally, I am never serious. I can be one of the most serious people when need be. But when we are here or out, I joke, bust, etc. You can't be serious all the time or your head will explode. I expect people to understand that, but it's always over analyzed what I say and causes drama and hurt feelings with vague comments. People need to fuckin relax once in a while. I really have no line unless someone makes it very personal to purposely get me pissed. Then ruckus will ensue, otherwise I will NOT change the way I am just cause i "know you off the board". It is NOT an act, I am me off and on the board. But that is only one part of me. Otherwise we should all learn to give and take.
Quote:FB didn't show but if I punked him, I would definetly tell everyone, lol.
i think i've said this before, but please dont just call him fb...every time i see something like "that scumbag fb" i always have to go back and read the whole thread becuase i think its me for a minute
even now in IMs I am getting shit about how I need to open up more and show all my sides of my personality. If I did their heads would blow, they can't take the one sick, funny, sarcastic side. Plus it is a hassle to let someone in and then find out you wasted so much time.

If you know you will have to explain yourself afterwards the line is not worth crossing unless you enjoy that type of stuff.

Basically someone like sean or I, especially sean though, lol.

Are missing that "shit filter" that thing in your mind that stops you to say "wait... better not say that"
Do you read the egotistical crap you write???

It's not so much that you are fat,
it's just that you are soooo Damn full of yourself.
Thanks ken, you're a pal.

Like I said, I never make it personal till it becomes personal mister "truce" guy.
i'll laugh at just about anything on the board.

usually its about whether or not its funny or not, not if its going to far. i don't think i've ever seen anyone go too far on the board. i don't even know what too far would be.
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