Used the biggest umbrella I've got and I'm still soaked from the knees down this morning. Umbrellas suck.
I didn't even use an umbrella, and I barely got wet. I love working at an office where I can park 15 ft from the front door. :-D
:disappointed: I'm soaked...umbrella did NADA. My sneakers are squishing.....
Now I've got images of Polly in a wet t-shirt.

I didn't have to go out in the rain this morning. I'm on vacation. :-D
It's so nice to be stuck home sometimes in the rain. It makes everything dark & quiet.
Quote:It's so nice to be stuck home sometimes in the rain. It makes everything dark & quiet.
With the rain gently tapping on the window, the covers pulled up to your chin, and spooning with someone special...
when i grow up i'm gonna lead a movement to get umbrellas banned from the busier areas of manhattan. unless they're the clear kind with the pointy bits pointing downward...