What food did you used to play with as a kid?
I always like mashed potatoes & gravy. Makeing the volcano & eating the walls away, but still maintaining the pool in the middle.
:wgaf: ( I just need an excuse to use this )
In a sort of related topic... do you eat everything of one food at a time, or mix everything up as you go?
I mix, and people who do it the other way weird me out. I'm not sure why, it just seems silly to do it that way. I'd get bored I guess.
I like to take the creamed corn and mix it in with the mashed potatos.
I used to squish peas, and I still have a HORRIBLE habit of playing with my food.
I sometimes mix, sometimes eat seperate...it all depends what I'm eating. I love green beans mixed with mashed potatos, but I don't really like certain other foods touching one another.
Corn mixed in with mashed potatoes is yummy. Gravy mixed in with stuffing is yummy too.
When you get something put in front of you, do you ever have to turn the plate so everything is on the "correct" side?
I like the meat on the bottom closest to me, and the rest of the side dishes at the top of the plate.
I sometimes eat way too methodically. For instance,
I always eat my fries first because burgers stay warm longer and cold fries taste like shit.
I never drink while I'm eating unless the food is very dry. The sweetness of a soda kills the flavor of the food.
Quote:When you get something put in front of you, do you ever have to turn the plate so everything is on the "correct" side?
Yup, I do that too.
:Insert obvious comment about a tomato:
I eat one food at a time, always starting out with the steak because if I get full, it's better that I left the broccoli behind.
i keep my corn seperate from my potatoes
no mixing allowed
buncha rhubs!
Mashed potatoes are fun when you're a kid and have missing teeth. You can pretend like you're the Playdoh Fuzzy Pumper Barber Shop and squirt them out through the spaces.
I like unrolling cinnamin buns as I eat 'em.
Quote:I eat one food at a time
They say that people who always eat one food at a time are borderline obsessive-compulsive.
I always thought corn-on-the-cob was a fun food. It's more of an experience than a food product. You have to really get into it to eat it. Butter dripping down your chin, , bits of corn on your face, little things stuck between your teeth, if that's not heaven, I don't know what is. :bouncer:
Quote:Butter dripping down your chin, , bits of corn on your face, little things stuck between your teeth, if that's not heaven, I don't know what is.
I've heard women describe something else the same way. :lol:
Ever take vanilla and chocolate in the same bowl, and mix them together into a brown paste once they get soft?
I like to smooth oatmeal out, eat some & smooth it out again.
I dig the watermellon seeds out with my finger before I take a bite.
When I eat pie, sometimes I break off the crust & put it on the same forkfull as the front of the pie, so it is equally crunchy & gushy.
You food mixers are grossing me out!!! My food can't touch each other and heaven forbid if my corn/peas even touch my mashed potatoes. For the longest time, I never had gravy on my mashed potatoes or turkey because I don't like my food combined with anything else.
And I always eat my broccoli first, because cold broccoli is just gross.
I eat whatever looks yummiest at the time.
And no, I've never played with my food.
Anybody remember the scene form the movie "Toys" where Ice-T talks about the little walls in dishes to keep the food seperated?
"I like me a military meal."
Hahahaha, thats one of my favorite scenes from a movie!
You liked "Toys"?
Damn, no wonder your wife left you
Quote:where Ice-T talks about the little walls in dishes to keep the food seperated
That wasn't Ice-T it was LL Cool-J.