Full Version: Sopranos returning! - Hey paisan whatsa matta you -- excited?
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.... the highlight of the season finale was when the mother brought her son to the bunny ranch so that he could get laid for the first time.... the first 70 minutes blew otherwise.....
I finaly got to see it last night. Sorry, the Packers were on Sunday night. I thought it was an excellent finale. Not what anybody expected, but that's why it was great. The Tony/Carm fighting was great. Very intense and you felt the families pain. They whacked the darkies to give everyone some violence. The whole Dean Martin thing was funny as Hell.

And Meadow in her jammies, crying, How sweet was that? I wanted to comfort her in the worst way. :-D
i found it to be a little on the lifetime side for my liking, but there were still good parts and i'm still gonna keep watching it. incidentally, does anyone know when the next season is supposed to be?
Spring 2005.
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