Full Version: Sopranos returning! - Hey paisan whatsa matta you -- excited?
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Arty getting his ass beat down by Frenchy what a pussy. Then trying to kill himself. Hahahahahahaha Fucking loser!

AJ's rich bitch. Nice! I wonder if he's going to do a Jackie Jr?

Did you notice who directed the episode?
Quote:Did you notice who directed the episode?
yup; Buscemi.
also written by Michael Imperioli (christopher)
still not GREAT... but this episode was better. The trailer for next week definitely looks like things are picking up.

How funny was it when Furio showed up at the french dude's place? All they had to do was show his face.
Maybe Michael Imperiloi should stick to acting, cause he's written a few of the shows this season. Not for nothing but so far this season has been horrible. It's become like a sitcom now, they create and end storylines in the same episode. It's not as continious as it was before. The promos always look good but when you see the scene finally it has nothing to do with the impression that was given.

I hope this week is better cause I am really disappointed. So far ending the show doesn't seem like a bad idea anymore, it's slowly gonna become a farce of what it once was. There is only so much you can do anyway. We seen so many mob movies already, it's hard enough to make a good 2 or 3 hour movie. Let alone a show that runs for almost 1 hour, 13 episodes a season, 4 seasons.
I'd like to see Quentin Tarantino write and direct an episode or two. That would inject some much needed violence into this season.
It would inject the use of the word "nigger" is all it would inject. Tarantino is one of the most over rated directors ever. Resevoir dogs was not an original idea of his, it was a foreign film he plagarised to no end.

Pulp Fiction was great but that's about it, jackie brown sucked bad and he hasn't done anything since.
Wasn't True Romance his also? That's a great flick too :thumbs-up:
The first half of From Dusk til Dawn. That was fucking great until it was reduced to a cartoon.

True Romance was good as well.

Hey, he can't do any worst then the last four.
he didn't direct dusk til dawn or true romance
From Dusk Till Dawn was directed by Richard Rodriguez, he also did Desperado and El Mariachi.

Tarantino was a screenwriter on True Romance, I admit that was an awesome movie. My favorite scene is in the hotel room with James (Tony Soprano) Gandolfini, when he is describing his experiences as a hitman.

Tarantino had a couple good ideas and blew his load too quick, he peaked over a couple years and disappeared.
tony's new girlfriend is really hot

i want to fuck her silly and make her call me tony
Well another crappy episode, I see the build up they are trying to do. But to have 10 crappy episodes and build up the last 2 or 3 is kinda shitty, it's like a great ending makes you forget a crappy middle. If this is the last season it does seem interesting.

Tony is not in favor with paulie or silvio, furio wants carmella. Carmella is not favoring tony much anymore. Could fruio align himself with Paulie and Silvio to take out chris and tony? Cause no way chris sells out tony, unless furio turns chris and chris becomes boss but sil and paulie wouldn't go for chris being boss.

Who knows as of now, it's all building up to something.
i agree, it has gone way downhill, but tony's new girlfriend is fucking hot!
The russian girl was hotter.
of all the girls in jersey you had to fuck this one. THATS RIGHT, CRY LIKE A LITTLE BITCH MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!111111111
How long till Paulie whacks the old bag who's giving his mom a hard time at the home?

What a fucking cunt. The son kept looking down at his broken arm and the bitch still didn't get a clue.

At least there was some laughs in this one.

And Tony's new whore is a hot piece of ass. Fucks like a champ, but she is a another nut job.
She's too needy.
I miss Gloria. :-(
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