Full Version: Sopranos returning! - Hey paisan whatsa matta you -- excited?
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soon i hope. she's so Damn hot.
ralphie, ralphie, ralphie....

Meadow rape, stfu, jesus what the fuck. It's the only show I watch on TV let me enjoy it.

It was a good show the head in the bowling ball bag was great. They spent a little too much time on it. But for some reason next weeks episode don't look all that appetizing.
I would of thought Ralphie's farewell would have been a little more dramatic. The head in the bowling bag was nice, but I would have thought a hail of bullets or a gangland back of the head excecution would have been more fitting.
I Dig the fact that Tony did it himself... very cool

i think next week's episode looks interesting, b/c there is disruption between NY and NJ...prob b/c Tony will let the rest of them think it must have been John and Carmine's group that offed Ralphie.
That was a brutal beating. The episode was the best so far this year. I did not see Ralphie getting taken out in this episode at all. That truly threw me for a loop. The wig coming off was great, and Chris trying to take care of business while he's high was too funny.

I hope they keep the momentum up from this episode.

One thing that did piss me off is they continue to mislead us with the previews. The bag that tony looks into in last weeks coming attractions seemed like he was looking at a human body, not a horse. Those bastards are always doing crap like that in the previews.
About time Ralphie got whacked. I hope Tony will be able to keep a lid on the shit hitting the fan.

Looks like all Hell is going to break loose on Ralphie being "missing". Whose going to get hit back as a return favor?

Tony? Christopher? Paulie?
who is meadow raping? didn't hear anytthing about that

He starts looking at meadow as the young Carmella, the dream girl he missed in his youth.

(Sorry for the spoiler)

So you are saying that Furio rapes Meadow because he can't have her mom?

Meadow would willing spread her legs for him, that little slut.
Quote:One thing that did piss me off is they continue to mislead us with the previews. The bag that tony looks into in last weeks coming attractions seemed like he was looking at a human body, not a horse. Those bastards are always doing crap like that in the previews.

They show you what you wanna see in the preview so you'll watch next week. If they showed the scene with Ralphie prankin Paulies mom and all the talking bullshit then you wouldn't watch.
ralphie pranking paulies mom was one of the highlights of the season, sad to say
yea it was pretty funny :thumbs-up:
i especially liked ralphie's concern about her healthcare provider being able to cover paulie's hamster mishap
I speculated that someone else had set the fire and not Ralphie, but David Chase is alleged to have said that the stable fire really was an accident. :-o
Ralphie hired an arsonist to set the fire. So technically he didnt do it with his own two hands.
Where are you getting that from? Speculating?
Tony told ralphie that he knew ralphie used an arsonist to start the fire.
Quote:Tony told ralphie that he knew ralphie used an arsonist to start the fire.
Actually Tony accused ralphie of using the arsonist (he asked him about the arsonist ralphie used to torch the restaurant.
still not a definite.

I'm sure Paulie's gonna have something to say about Ralphie disappearing.
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