09-03-2002, 06:22 PM
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09-03-2002, 06:29 PM
why wouldn't anyone think of it?
perhaps you ARE a bit too P.C. to me, there's a lot of shit in this world that's more offensive than that t-shirt, jokes about the holocaust and racial jokes. People being killed for their beliefs is apalling(sp?). People being enslaved is horrible. People being held against their will for being from a certain country or belief structure, etc. these are the things to get angry about, not what someone has on their t-shirt.
get angry about the fact that there's a fucking PETA, but no PETH(umans). There's a "GreenPeace", but where's the "PeoplePeace"?
People get off on these ideallistic ventures thinking that they'll make the world a better place by saving the planet or animals, or by not hurting someone's feelings. The bottom line, your feelings don't mean shit to a crack baby or a kid in foster care because his parents didn't want him.
Seriously, get off of your overly-sensitive "this is offensive" high-fucking-horse and spend your time worrying about something a bit more substantial.
perhaps you ARE a bit too P.C. to me, there's a lot of shit in this world that's more offensive than that t-shirt, jokes about the holocaust and racial jokes. People being killed for their beliefs is apalling(sp?). People being enslaved is horrible. People being held against their will for being from a certain country or belief structure, etc. these are the things to get angry about, not what someone has on their t-shirt.
get angry about the fact that there's a fucking PETA, but no PETH(umans). There's a "GreenPeace", but where's the "PeoplePeace"?
People get off on these ideallistic ventures thinking that they'll make the world a better place by saving the planet or animals, or by not hurting someone's feelings. The bottom line, your feelings don't mean shit to a crack baby or a kid in foster care because his parents didn't want him.
Seriously, get off of your overly-sensitive "this is offensive" high-fucking-horse and spend your time worrying about something a bit more substantial.
09-03-2002, 06:32 PM
Hey mister high horse this is a discussion board, I posted a topic for discussion. The topic was 'humor' not the woes of the fuckin world. I never said a shirt was more or less offensive/important than 'real' problems in the world.
Talk about high horse, dude have you been fucking froy sloppy seconds?
Talk about high horse, dude have you been fucking froy sloppy seconds?
09-03-2002, 06:35 PM
I get soooooo excited when afrika gets idealistic, it makes me sooo hot!!!
09-03-2002, 06:36 PM
I got off on a bit of a rant there, sorry. But I think my point was essentially why commit the energy of being offended to something so trivial.
When I saw the shirt, I chuckled and then felt like maybe I shouldn't be. But, I didn't post a thread about it. Again, I understand why you posted the thread, but I think the tangent is more interesting (of course it would be to me, since I brought it up).
The fact is, there shouldn't be a line. If you don't like it, you shouldn't buy it/listen to it. If you don't want your kids to hear/have it, keep it from them. The world is a big scary place, you'll see things a lot worse than that t-shirt about.
When I saw the shirt, I chuckled and then felt like maybe I shouldn't be. But, I didn't post a thread about it. Again, I understand why you posted the thread, but I think the tangent is more interesting (of course it would be to me, since I brought it up).
The fact is, there shouldn't be a line. If you don't like it, you shouldn't buy it/listen to it. If you don't want your kids to hear/have it, keep it from them. The world is a big scary place, you'll see things a lot worse than that t-shirt about.
09-03-2002, 06:36 PM
I say let people wear and say what ever they want.
But if someone punches your teeth out for wearing it don't blame them.
But if someone punches your teeth out for wearing it don't blame them.
09-03-2002, 06:41 PM
Quote:I got off on a bit of a rant there, sorry. But I think my point was essentially why commit the energy of being offended to something so trivial.
I understand what you are saying afrika, I am in no way saying that something as trivial as a shirt is gonna be the downfall of society or mankind. It was just a topic of discussion, I like your rants anyway.
Naturally there are children dying on a daily basis in 'wars', there are people dying of diseases, there are people who are suffering all over the world. A t-shirt is the most trivial thing of all, it's not even a blip on the radar. But this discussion was about humor in general, when does it just become not funny and plain old shock value for a chuckle at the misery of others.
I just wish I could find someone wearing that shirt and go shaolin on them and release some of this sexual angst, ladi won't put out.
09-03-2002, 06:45 PM
That would be one crooked-assed line.
ladi doesn't put out for you?
ladi doesn't put out for you?
09-03-2002, 06:54 PM
Quote:ladi doesn't put out for you?
Bitch is, all talk.
09-04-2002, 05:00 AM
Quote:get angry about the fact that there's a fucking PETA, but no PETH(umans). There's a "GreenPeace", but where's the "PeoplePeace"?well, there's amnesty international, unicef, rspcc, etc...
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