he should own the fucking site

Ok me and luna made up I just gave her oral while she read the mod forum, all is well.
Carry on.
Can we get back to the rightful worship of all things DIG?
I invite all of you to my combine for prayer and koolaid.
We got all flavors. Just bring money and naive women.
Quote:It's not a job to me in my opinion, until I have to play mediator and settle beefs between people off the board.
Holy dear sweet Jesus!!!! Is this really fucking necessary????? :crackhead:
Chronologically, we're all
adults here, right? Yet we need mediators/guidance counselors to help settle love spats around this place. Fuck me! CDIH is now the Romper Room of the mentally deranged? Do you people settle your own disputes at work/home by yourselves, or do you call mommy in to help, or Gonzo....for a couple of eggplants, of course? Shit, we have PM capability on this board.....use it if you have a fucking problem with someone.....I really don't think its the mods job to solve our personal differences. If ya really don't like what's going on.....then don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out :moonie:
I really don't like metal,
never have,
I have many beefs with him,
sure wish Jack would log on so he could help us settle them.....
Jack or any mod\admin for that matter.....
:wgaf: Ya big pussy.....go fucking play in traffic.
Come on people, we need an intervention here
can you believe what he just said to me....
go play in traffic....
you hope I die or get hurt....
YOU are taking this board shit way too seriously.....
someone please......
help me get through to this madman!!!
I refuse to talk to you until a mod mediates,
you are irrational.
You're a putz.
Someone revoke his membership here before we all suffer any longer!
why don't you 2 love birds get a room
That's sexual harrasment Black Laz, I am reporting you to Gonzo.
Quote:why don't you 2 love birds get a room
How about a cell?
It's as if Maymay never left....
you wear power well Jack.