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This thread has devolved into a short bus schoolyard grumpystyle mother joke fest.
You want in? I'm sure for a few pieces of the rock, Laz's mom will love you long time
It all started when i told the 2 love birds to get a room :fucking: fags
i was never any good at that type of humor, i'm thinking of purchasing a copy of galt's filthbot 2002© for times like this.
The chapter called "Your mom's a whore and so are you" is worth every penny :thumbs-up:
What about the chapter titled "Tuck your tail in and run?"

That's a classic.
Quote:Chronologically, we're all adults here, right? Yet we need mediators/guidance counselors to help settle love spats around this place.

Metal..... you have GOT to be kidding me dude, lmmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah OMG hahahahahahahahah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whatever you say, you little flirt.
i can say for certain that adolescent masturbator helped me through some tough times back when he was a moderator. he really knows how to listen.
You asked what we do, I answered. If the answers are not to your liking, don't ask the questions.

I just found it funny that of ALL people, metal made that comment, lmao it still makes me bawl in laughter.
he cupped my balls while i cried, that seemed to help
Is your name Grk?
my knowledge of inside jokes is quite limited.
T'was not inside at all, :lol:
Hey, I finally made GS laugh....woohoo :thumbs-up:

Now come here and give me a hug, ya big palooka :poke:
Will you cup my balls as well, I want the full service treatment dammit!!
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