Full Version: Too good for us now......
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theres enough whine in this thread to get the whole board drunk.
let's get Cunt Twat drunk first,
then the real fun starts.....
She can do a sight gag on my microphone.
god you suck keyser.

fucking kill me for having an opinion of a thread. it was a simple one line comment and look at the shit that you've created around it.

and I am the one that has problems?

Edited By Kid Afrika on Sep. 04 2002 at 1:46
let's make it about keyser now, not kid,

but Keyser the Golden God,
Keyser whose shame was not having to buy drinks for a "no show" and then had to suffer having the men and the women of the board rave of his good looks...

now that is shame,

Keyser, this threads for you.
this is the part where i'm supposed to either make fun of you for taking it so hard or call your bluff.

heads or tails?
Look how Keyser deftly deflected Kid's little ploy....
looks AND brains.
Cunt-twat has a sweet ass, it is actually firm yet soft when you slap it. I dunno what that has to do with anything...

But is it a bad thing when I actually enjoy and look forward to Afrikas posts?
Lets annoy him & talk about you, Keyser....
What are you going to say when you win that first Grammy
Keyser is shorter in person
the Golden God is the perfect height,
whatever it may be
He does have the most delicious looking ass I have ever seen.

He is much hotter in person though, his pictures do him NO justice. (looking at the stamp on the Alex Vega pic)

Ken, you truly disturb me.
relax Tenbats, not out for your creepy guy status,
the pic was curtousy (spelling?) of Google......
Quote:Ken, you truly disturb me.

I would normally agree with that but coming from you it just seeps with irony.
Someone coming to my defense would ordinarily make me happy, but coming from Gonzo it.......

ah fuggit,
thanks big guy.
You're welcome creepy pm guy.
who is winning the race....
The dog
The tail?
I dunno I think I forgot to feed the dog, it's starting to smell.

But keyser smells great and he has that cute tuft of hair under his lower lip, just there, nowhere else.
Does Keyser look like anyone famous,
cause THIS would be the thread to post it in.....
I will say one thing, he looks nothing like Johnny Knoxville.

But he is Damn sexy anyway.
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