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Imagine being locked up in a cell and having nothing to read...


a Ken'sPen attention whore thread......

I don't feel well today.

Feel kinda sick,
is there anything else about me you wanna talk about?
what's shakin, kenny
ahhhhhh not much....
shall we pull out the Rosetta stone and post our conversation in hyroglyphics....
too easy for may and Arpi to ignore.

I have my first football game of the new season Sunday,
I am not in game shape,
too much drinking,
and the drought let me slack on weekend work,
no yard to cut this year.
oh well,
I think my favorite teacher was my Sr. English Teacher, she was a blast Ms. Danis......

tough but fun,
and she loved me too,
I got away with a lot of stuff with her....

rivetting shit huh arp?