My 2nd time was better than the 1st.
Edited By GonzoStyle on Sep. 06 2002 at 5:38
So you were hoping for a positive reult just so you could have some laughs?
this thread happens too often
cleanup on aisle 4, bring a mop
So I fucked up, no need to bring faceman into this.
My second time wasn't so good,
she reeked of a tuna trawler coming to dock.....
I posted it once, but am too tired to find a link.
Edited By Ken'sPen on Sep. 06 2002 at 5:50
I'm still waiting for my second time.... :crackhead:
believe it or not, my 2nd time was with that same guy from the first time... i think you can read about it somewhere
Second time (and 3rd and 4th times) - 3-day stand. When I worked up at the Seaside boardwalk, my coworkers and I used to party and get drunk on the beach late at night after work. We got these lifeguards to buy us beer and things got a little crazy, skinny-dipping in the ocean and such. I ended up making out with tiny little 5'6" dude (in more ways than one--but if I remember right he had a pretty good tongue) and having sex with him, though I had only known him for a couple of hours. This continued for a couple more times til I got bored with him and moved on to bigger and better things. I was a little whore at 17 :-D
Sean Connery
"Shpit is a shlut"