Full Version: Jesus ripped of hercules
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Hercules was the son of God.....
He was born of a mortal woman,
He performed his feats, (or miracles)
ok so he hung with Argonaughts instead of disciples,
but he was betrayed,
had a painful death
and went to hang with daddy,

Plus with Kevin Sorbo made a much more interesting TV series than the Jesus show would have been....

though Tawny Kitayn (spelling) could have been a good Mary M. in her day.
I think I have ADD, cause I was too lazy to read your 8 lines of text.
Ken, may your leg explode like Joe Theismann's.
Jesus ripped off FN Moron with the hippie look.
Jerry was a race car driver
he's going the distance....he's going for speed....
Jerry was not.
Jerry's kids were always good for a laugh.
Interesting factoid:

The hebrew word not only means carpenter but also stone mason. It was the same job. So, good ole Jesus spent his days working with hand saws, planes and hand turned drills and also lugged around and carved big pieces of rock. In other words, the guy was probably built like a body builder.

So, he looked like Herculese too. :thumbs-up:
Batman ripped off Zorro.....
I'm still baffled as to why it took Jesus 40 days to ascend to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. Did Jesus have to submit to DNA testing to prove he was the son of God and not just some false messiah?

Was Hercules trying to move in on Jesus's act? Was feats of strength more impressive to God than curing a few blind people or making water turn to wine? I'm perplexed here.
OAS, numbers had supernatural significance to ancient people. The numbers 7 and 40 both held special meaning. Noahs flood lasted for 40 days and forty nights. The world was created in 7 days. You must forgive some "not 7 times but 7 x 70 times". Etc.

Ancient people did not record things historically the way we do, but were only interested in recording the meaning and intent of the event. That's why the Bible is NOT a historical record. It easily mixes historical fact, such as there really was a person named Jesus and Roman govenor named Pontious Pilot, with fables and morality stories like the story of Job and the whole book of Genesis.