Full Version: Fad sodas - Pepsi blue = 2000 flushes toilet water?
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Recently i've been hooked on the Brisk Lemonade. I know it's not a soda but it's Damn tastey. And i've been wanting too try the new pepsi blue but haven't yet.
Seph is rolling in his grave.
seph is dead? nahhhhhh, i see him, he is right over there----->
I looked and saw nothing. I got duped :-(
Pepsi Blue is just a scary, scary looking beverage. It's fucking FLUORESCENT BLUE!

Brisk Lemonade does count because it's a trendy beverage.

Gatorade's "Propel" water with lemon is good too... but it's WATER...

I think the greatest marketing scheme ever is Gatorade Ice... it's gatorade without the artificial coloring, so it doesn't stain your clothes if you spill it on yourself.
i joined somethingawful yesterday. i apologize for any of my previous posts. except for dr.pepper ownz. because it does.
thats only cause he isn't there any more silly snapple cock. dont be sad.
Quote:thats only cause he isn't there any more silly snapple cock. dont be sad.

Huh wha?!
Quote:i joined somethingawful yesterday
say hi to lent for me :thumbs-up:
diet soda has that awful saccarine taste that causes cancer in lab rats.

i like pepsi blue, code red, and stewarts orange creamsickle, stewarts rootbeer is the be all and end all of beverages, especially when purchased at said stewarts in a frosty mug.
Quote:diet soda has that awful saccarine taste that causes cancer in lab rats

I got your frosty mug right here motherfucker, come get some.
Quote:say hi to lent for me

who? it's "Justin" now :lol:
i don't like to touch glasses that are frosted. makes my fingers curl up.
I'll only make your toes curl.
frosted shoes?!?!? GOOD GOD NO.
no, curled toes and maybe a frosted chest.
frosted nipple tassles? :clueless:
Unless you wanna swallow the frosty juices, it's best that way, no muss no fuss.
Quote:diet soda has that awful saccarine taste that causes cancer in lab rats

Only because the rats were shoved with about 8 zillion milligrams of saccharin.

Aspartame and Saccahrain (sp) are both safe and FDA approved, no warnings, outside of the phyleuke(sp) warning

too many big words
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