Where were you one year ago today?
For me, I was at work. It was the first day for a new guy in our group and we were showing him around. Nothing else really special.

funny that you bring this up. as i was walking to my car this morning, i was thinking the same exact thing. how things have changed, in my life and the whole world. i also thought that what would i do if i could go back in time, knowing what i know now...what i would have done diffrently.
anyhoo i was probaly sitting right here actually, listening to the end of ron and fez, and as soon as o and a came on, i knew it was time to go to work. simple. life seemed simple and pure.
I was bringing some stuff to my girlfriend at the time who was pretty sick and getting over encephilitis (yeah, like the West Nile thing). After that, did my normal Monday stuff, nothing too special at all.
My roommate on the other hand:
My roommate has this ritual whenever he was REALLY pissed. He would take the PATH train (we lived in Hoboken) to the World Trade Center and walk to the PATH station at the Empire State Building. It's like a 4 mile walk, and he said by the time he was halfway done, he was so tired, he wasn't pissed anymore. Well he was really pissed on the night of the 10th, his dad was having some problems that was really getting to him. So he decided to go for a walk in Mahattan, but this time, we took the PATH to 33rd and walked to the WTC instead of the other way around. After he got to the Trade Center, he walked around the mall in the basement because he'd never had before.
He came back around 3:00 am, a lot calmer, and said something really strange. He said, "You know, I wish I'd have gone to that mall in the basement of the Trade Center, it's really beautiful, and it's huge. What a nice place to walk around." He then went to sleep and woke up the next morning when I came running into the room after watching the towers on fire with my own eyes.
Absolutley true story, no bullshit.
I know exactly what I was doing on September 11th but I can't for the life of me remember what I did the previous day. My memory just ain't that good.
I was in Atlantic City.
Quote:I know exactly what I was doing on September 11th but I can't for the life of me remember what I did the previous day. My memory just ain't that good.
I remember, you were with some hottie ;-)
I remember the night before, I watched 'Jaws' on DVD, I haven't watched it since.
I watched the giants get blown out by denver on MNF. Then I posted a thread on oa.com titled "fuck sleep", posting an article about what it's like to not sleep for 72 hours.
woke up, went to school, came home, watched the giants. really a typical day, just like how the 11th started
Thats right, I know for sure I watched the Giants game.
man did that game suck, fucking giants.
And how many lives are the Giants credited with saving cause people were late to work after either staying up to watch that game or actually being at it?
no idea...i do have a freind who was stuck in dever for a few days because he went to it, though
Sitting at work. Just like I am now. Trolling the various boards, stock reports, news. That morning, I had gotten to work early, I was supposed to go to the NY office (right next to Empire State Building) but had too much work to do. Well, I was checking my email when it happend. When I logged on, MSN came up with the "accident" headline.
Quote:And how many lives are the Giants credited with saving cause people were late to work after either staying up to watch that game or actually being at it?
All of the people at my school who co-op'ed at businesses in the World Trade Center. I went to school in Hoboken, so a good number of the computer science majors were co-ops at financial companies that made their home at 1 or 2 World Trade.
All of the Stevens students who worked at WTC got back alive because almost all of them woke up late from having a few beers while watching the Giants go into overtime.
They got up for work late and their train pulled into the PATH station at WTC just as the first plane hit. They got back onto the train and come home. If they were 20 minutes earlier, they would have been at their offices at that time.
I was house sitting for my friends who were on their honeymoon at the time. I went to the gym that day, listened to O&A then flipped between wrestling and MNF. I woke up the next morning to the phone rining and my friend who works up in weehawken told me to turn on the news and that's when I saw it.