09-11-2002, 06:36 PM
09-11-2002, 06:40 PM
Arpi is behaving like the obnoxious drunk at a funeral, only he doesn't have alcohol to blame it on.
I agree. There are many targets that could have been chosen that would have resulted in minimal casualties and could actually have had a much greater impact on our economy and on the daily lives of millions of people.
By intentionally targeting civilians, the terrorists gave up any claim to the moral high ground and have sacrificed any shred of legitimacy to their claims.
Our opinion of what is just and fair is to give every individual the freedom of choice, representation, a fair trial, and a set of basic human rights and freedoms. Their opinion is to suppress freedom, keep their people poor and ignorant, and enforce their will on others. The list of atrocities that go on every day in these countries is appalling.
Quote:the moment you fly a plane into a building and kill inncoent people, you lose you're right to be upset at how you've been wronged. You no longer have the authority to tell someone else what they are doing wrong to you when you actually make the decision to take innocent people's lives just to make a point and scare them
I agree. There are many targets that could have been chosen that would have resulted in minimal casualties and could actually have had a much greater impact on our economy and on the daily lives of millions of people.
By intentionally targeting civilians, the terrorists gave up any claim to the moral high ground and have sacrificed any shred of legitimacy to their claims.
Quote:We force our opinion of what is just and fair onto the rest of the world.
Our opinion of what is just and fair is to give every individual the freedom of choice, representation, a fair trial, and a set of basic human rights and freedoms. Their opinion is to suppress freedom, keep their people poor and ignorant, and enforce their will on others. The list of atrocities that go on every day in these countries is appalling.
09-11-2002, 06:46 PM
Quote:Arpi is behaving like the obnoxious drunk at a funeral, only he doesn't have alcohol to blame it oni always like that guy
09-11-2002, 06:54 PM
Quote:i will have you know that joey doesnt drink coffee
You're on a first name basis with him, impressive. Last time I heard, he insisted everyone call him Mr. Fatone and no one was allowed to make direct eye contact with him or sit a chair that was higher than his.
Quote:Our opinion of what is just and fair is to give every individual the freedom of choice, representation, a fair trial, and a set of basic human rights and freedoms
The funny thing is Sharia (Islamic Law) pretty much spells these things out nice and clearly. The only thing that is a little hairy is representation, but most Islamic states - even Iran, Egypt, and Turkey - have an elected legislature. It's just that in Iran, there is a Shah who sits above this and can veto anything he doesn't like. Islam is a very peaceful religion, it focuses a great deal on human rights, jurisprudence, and how people should interact with others.
Islamic fundametalists like these guys really have hijacked the Muslim religion to make it into one of hate and vengance. Did you know that the Koran states that even if you are on a jihad (which really doesn't mean "holy war" - a better translation would be "internal personal struggle) you are not allowed to hurt women or children, and if you see a tree that has even one leaf, you are not allowed to cut it down?
That is what gets my panties in a bunch, that they rally people behind a religion that they have manipulated for their own purposes
09-11-2002, 07:05 PM
I saw a documentary on cable that went through all the rules of a jihad. Not only are they not allowed to hurt women and children and not harm a tree with green growth on it, but they are not allowed to kill an unarmed man or destroy someone's home either.
The Koran is just as peace loving as the Bible. And we know the Bible's never been used to justify war.
The Koran is just as peace loving as the Bible. And we know the Bible's never been used to justify war.

09-11-2002, 07:05 PM
Quote:Last time I heard, he insisted everyone call him Mr. Fatone and no one was allowed to make direct eye contact with him or sit a chair that was higher than his.people get such a wrong impression of him. he is really nice. he barely even beats me anymore for being slow in getting his morning paper. the eye contact thing is true though. fair enough, he is joey fatone.
09-11-2002, 07:14 PM
Quote:Our opinion of what is just and fair is to give every individual the freedom of choice, representation, a fair trial, and a set of basic human rights and freedoms. Their opinion is to suppress freedom, keep their people poor and ignorant, and enforce their will on others. The list of atrocities that go on every day in these countries is appalling.
Bah! Ewe are a sheep. While we are sure that our way is the right way. They are equally as sure that their's is. Someone has to be wrong. How do you know it's not you?
09-11-2002, 07:19 PM
Quote:How do you know it's not you?
Because my way is to let them be their way as long as they aren't forcing other people to follow their way who don't want to. Consider it an abscence of way.
09-11-2002, 07:24 PM
Here's an idea...
MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Until they try to force their way onto you, what concern is it of yours?
MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Until they try to force their way onto you, what concern is it of yours?
09-11-2002, 07:25 PM
i think the way of the way is the way we should go. their way is the way the same way our way is the way and therefore neither way can be the right way unless we weigh the ways our way and thier way are consider the way by thoughs who know the way.
09-11-2002, 07:32 PM
Quote:Until they try to force their way onto you, what concern is it of yours?
So, one year ago today WASN"T them trying to force their opinion on us?
09-11-2002, 07:43 PM
one thing that is really weird to me today is just the way most people here are just going about their business like it is any other day. The majority of them are from Maryland, and I guess really don't get what today means to new yorkers. Guess for anyone to fully understand what 9/11 meant, you have to be from new york. Is this true of any of you other people not from the NYC area?
09-11-2002, 07:46 PM
i am from ny and i am going about my normal business. while i agree that we should remember 9/11 , i dont agree with this eternal mourning.
09-11-2002, 07:51 PM
Quote:So, one year ago today WASN"T them trying to force their opinion on us?Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I see the attacks as an attack on a country that forces it's way into other countries and tries to manipulate the customs and beliefs of them. The attacks were retalliation, no instigation.
09-11-2002, 07:53 PM
It's the equivalent of taking your annoying neighbor who constantly talks to you over the fence and shooting him in the head casue your sick of listening to him. There is NO justification for it.
09-11-2002, 07:54 PM
Quote:It's the equivalent of taking your annoying neighbor who constantly talks to you over the fence and shooting him in the head casue your sick of listening to himbad analogy
09-11-2002, 08:00 PM
the truth of the matter is, no country is perfect or without a laundry list of atrocities it has commited on its soil or on others.
if this was a fantasy world, we would try to create peace all over the world. politics and all sorts of bullshit dictates that there are subdivisions all over the world where people fight one another over their land or how they want to live.
since we have to live in reality, we should defend ourselves and our way of life, and unfortunately that means that WE are right and they are wrong as pigheaded as it might seem.
if this was a fantasy world, we would try to create peace all over the world. politics and all sorts of bullshit dictates that there are subdivisions all over the world where people fight one another over their land or how they want to live.
since we have to live in reality, we should defend ourselves and our way of life, and unfortunately that means that WE are right and they are wrong as pigheaded as it might seem.
09-11-2002, 08:00 PM
If your neighbor came over to your house and beat your son for peeing standing up until your son started sitting down to pee, and then you one day killed him, that would be a better comparison.
09-11-2002, 08:06 PM
Quote:If your neighbor came over to your house and beat your son for peeing standing up until your son started sitting down to pee, and then you one day killed him, that would be a better comparison.no it wouldnt
09-11-2002, 08:29 PM
yes, it would.