Full Version: Hypothetically speaking... - Hee hee hee
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you can't resist me...noone can Big Grin
hmmmmm.....any super god mode????.....and if sluggo sniffs my balls ill chop his nose off!!!! Confusedhot: :pacman:
Bartman Wrote:hmmmmm.....any super god mode????.....and if sluggo sniffs my balls ill chop his nose off!!!! Confusedhot: :pacman:
No, no god mode. You lose.
invisible, all weapons, are there any cheats or to win the game do i just have to please VG?????? :happyangel:
Quote:invisible, all weapons, are there any cheats or to win the game do i just have to please VG

you still so fucking LOSE!!11! give it up slappy
Bartman Wrote:invisible, all weapons, are there any cheats or to win the game do i just have to please VG?????? :happyangel:
[eerie voice from that movie]I'll never tell.[/eerie voice from that movie]
Bartman Wrote:I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!! I WILL NEVER LOOSE!!!! :roltflmao:
"Dont let go Jack, never let go..."
Quote:She's really a girl really really. and she doesn't look like a penis. and I bring it upon myself, I'm really, really sorry.
Does she live in Nigagra Falls down the road from Fez's girlfriend?

Edited By Keyser Soze on Jan. 14 2002 at 11:53
Hey Ladi Wrote:
Quote:I just want to know if vg thought she was going to get serious responses from you fuckers on this question.
A friend of mine came right out and said "I'd really like to make you cum."

I was a little taken aback, but appreciated her straightforwardness. Big Grin
I think it all depends on who says it and how they say it and how much alcohol was consumed said night.
Quote:give it up slappy
hehe, slappy = always funny :bouncer:
crx girl Wrote:
Quote:give it up slappy
hehe, slappy = always funny :bouncer:
Lick me, slappy.

Also, that's why I don't chase after the VG.
Never enter a competition you can't win.
But it sure is fun watching them trip over their dicks trying to catch her. Wink
Quote:hehe, slappy = always funny

heh, i love the crx :roltflmao:
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:hehe, slappy = always funny

heh, i love the crx :roltflmao:
Oh you say you love everyone.....whore!
Quote:Oh you say you love everyone.....whore!

you are just jealous
Why would I be jealous of a disease carrying hosebeast like yourself? DirtyGrrl :p
Maynard Wrote:Why would I be jealous of a disease carrying hosebeast like yourself? DirtyGrrl :p
You say you love her...
You fight any guy that comes near her...
And then you say this??? Confusedhot:

mmmm Dirty Grrl Confusedatan:
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:Why would I be jealous of a disease carrying hosebeast like yourself? DirtyGrrl :p
You say you love her...
You fight any guy that comes near her...
And then you say this??? Confusedhot:
I never said I don't love disease carrying Dirtygrrl's.

Maynard----> [Image: Ink_Pee.gif] <----Sluggo
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