I was actually a little shocked that this thread wasn't about me either.
But then again, I buy FTL beer.
And Ken, there's a big fucking difference between bashing on me about Shelle and bashing on FTL about something on another board from a long time ago. You're a waste of space.
I've never seen you buy FTL beer, but I have seen you steal one that he waited 45 minutes in line for.
Didn't he bash FTL about pissing about a relationship ending? I thought he said that it was posted like today or something.
There was five more on that table, Danked. And it was his fault he couldn't walk to the bar.
But yes, I did buy TJ several beverages and food products at Bar 9.
You tell him Galt, it was a fresh item
so harumpfffffff........
and I am far from the worst,
I take umbrage at that.
which icon looks to be in a snit.
this one will do....

oh yeah,
thanks to the peeps that always show up in defense in the Ken sucks du jour threads.
Edited By Ken'sPen on Sep. 11 2002 at 9:38
Quote:thanks to the peeps that always show up in defense in the Ken sucks du jour threads.
I'll save it for monday night.
Ken, it doesn't matter. Someone who takes joy in another man's heartbreak, and especially hilighting the key points like it's some big inside joke just screams "Look at me, I'm an attention whore Asshole."
I creeped out the CREEPY GUY???
I win :burnfucker:
I owed him a ribbing.
what's it to you, Tenbats?
DIG your Feebles are going down Monday Night.
just look at the stars tenbats...
oh, and ken has my phone number, you get your ims ignored... ken wins
um, he was helping me with my statistics homework...
sure...then he invites you to lunch....christ on a stick!
Is he good at Calculus?

Quote:oh, and ken has my phone number, you get your ims ignored... ken wins
Heeeheheheee....He has all 3 of my phone numbers, too. :-D
I am rather proud of my enemies list....
I think it speaks volumes as to the quality of my being...
adding tenbats and FTL,
I must be doing something right.
ken is so smooth, i would probably give him my number too.
or not. who knows.
Ken = Fingerbang
Tricia = Bnakedlady
Ladi = Sleepy princess
who wants to be Darx?
Quote:ken is so smooth, i would probably give him my number too.
He has a very nice voice, too. :thumbs-up:
Quote:don't forget the batboy.
Ahh we have found our darx.