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Gonzo knows....
HE gave me his number too.

But has resisted the lure of lunch....
so Arpi's binary stutters?
Now luna and tricia will fight over ken.
Quote:so Arpi's binary stutters?

[blinking rapidly] up!!![/blinking rapidly]
Ken doesn't even PM me.
i'm tired of fighting...
Fight for a step down.
poor Tricia...passed around the ESPN zone. Arpi to get sloppy thirds. I nominate Danked as PR.
you said you didn't like the ken PM Danked...
you crushed me into silence.
Quote:you said you didn't like the ken PM Danked...

I don't like the Ken's PM

:::crosses fingers:::
You're so sensitive, geez. :poke:
By the way FTL,
this thread really hurt,
after reading all the mean things people wrote about me.......
Quote:I'm sure tenbats is heartbroken.

*sobs quietly in a corner*
Hey Tenbats,
Even with my Mod Rigged Stolen Vote Score,
I am still more popular than you.....
Arpi > Ken > Tenbats > FTL
(x + 4)(2x - 3) > 0
eek, i need to know how to do that...
x > (12^.5)/7
I love you all :loveya:

except Tenbats.
Sleeper + Galt = Bill Simmons
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