Full Version: Have you ever voted........ - And felt good about it?
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Look at Spit sounding like some hippie chick. :rofl:

If you feel your voting for the lesser of two evils was your only choice, you probably cheated yourself, and probably shouldn't vote. I would venture to bet that you didn't vote in the primary. The best candidates often do not make it out of the primaries because they are under funded and most of the people that vote primary's are party mainliners. People that whine about wanting change usually do not vote in the primary elections. The candidates that want change are there. Look at the last election. McCain was clearly the best Republican candidate. I would have voted Republican in the presidential election if McCain was the republican instead of loser boy.

And Nader was a joke. He could not effectively govern, just like Perot before him. If a credible independent were to run, they could have a shot.
Does this mean you can figure out those Butterfly ballots??? :toast:
Well thet were designed for the elderly Florida voters right? :crackhead:
OAS the way primaries are run over a long time span, often the renegade candidate is way out of the race before your turn comes to vote.

Unless you reside in the early voting states.....
Quote:OAS the way primaries are run over a long time span, often the renegade candidate is way out of the race before your turn comes to vote.

This is true but they are still on the ballot when your state primary comes around. Most states have a 60 to 90 day ballot petition requirement. Most states are required by law to vote convention delegates as to how their citizens voted. If a candidate drops out of the race before your primary because of funding, continue to vote for them. Start a grass roots campaign to get people to vote for them. Send your message to your parties convention. Take the vote away from the popular candidate, don't waste it.
i wish the Whig party would make a comeback.
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