Full Version: Dismissing a woman - Hey, it seemed like a good idea
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Now Sean, another fantasy-

Don't make me go over there and show you how it's done. You know I know where you live.

Now you are dismissed!!!!!
nigga please, like you would be caught dead here. You wouldn't be able to contain yourself. You can't dismiss me. I will not allow you to do such a thing.

And, it may be a fantasy to you, but, nah nah nah, it is a reality to me. I know where the birthmark is and I also know the color of your dildo, so there! :fucking:
And I know your ex girlfriends phone number

So There :fuckoff:
trampy316 Wrote:And I know your ex girlfriends phone number

So There :fuckoff:
damn...It got REAL fucking cold in here! Confusedpits:
trampy316 Wrote:And I know your ex girlfriends phone number

So There :fuckoff:

Can I have it? That bitch took my boxers and spilled out the rest of the fuckin milk when she left. Cold hearted cunt I tell you!


For me, the spade shovel works wonders to shut them the fuck up.

Fez put that for me perfectly.

This is the bitch trying to mouth off...


Then, I go...


Then everything is...

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