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Fast Freddy's here!!! OMG! How's your good pal LAMANTHONY doing!?!?
Edited By diceisgod on Sep. 19 2002 at 6:02
oh god. no. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Thanks for paying the server arpi :thumbs-up:
Sorry board. I have not been here lately. I am a very important and busy man. When I first heard about the money problem I thought I could help by offering a low interest loan. Let's say 50% the first 24 hours and 200% every 24 hours thereafter. Sound fair? It's really no problem at all. You're welcomed.
Your generous spirit never ceases to amaze me, GB. :bow:
godly billionaire for mod
cool thingys to use in posting, I like it here.
Quote:Thanks for paying the server arpi
you are welcome. i at least can be relied upon to pay on time.
dude, you're a real ass sometimes. big fucking deal, you gave some money to help toward the server bill, i'm sure a lot of people here would do the same and not say one word about it afterward. if the only reason you did it was so you could brag about it, then i wouldn't want your money. :fuckoff:
simply put:
Arpi, send me a PM with your adress and you can have your money back. I personally rather see the site go away then have you pull what you just did. This is why when countless people offer help I always turn it down. You offered, as did others and I was grateful. Now, you can have your fuckin money back and you can go have another stroke you piece of shit. I do suggest you don't try your tough guy bat wielding shtick with me. You are nothing more than a fragile old man with the grey matter of a four year old.
Well arpi, looks like the shortest straw has been pulled for you.
i spent arpi's donation on canolli's for the mashroom.
it is amazing how you can all dish it out but cant take it . i dont want the money. i dont want applause for sending it. i was just poking at you guys. but as has been seen before, you guys can jump all over everybody but the minute someone teases you about something you did, you all get like 5 year old girls. boo hoo. what a bunch of pussies!
Quote:i spent arpi's donation on canolli's for the mashroom.
I never got one of those. :-( And I LOOOOVE canolli's.
Quote:arpi, canolli?
let gonzo have it. maybe it will cheer him up and help him find his sense of humor again.
Arpi is ruining this board for everyone,
first his antics caused you to lose the greates MOD ever,
now he is incurring the ire of the founding fathers,
is there no controlling this monster?
Quote:you can all dish it out but cant take it
that's fast becoming your equivalent of kid's i'm playing you like a puppet line. it's not about not being able to take it, it's about you being beyond annoying. if you were funny, or actually had a point to make, it wouldn't bother me, it's just the endless drivel that continues to flow out of your head and on to the board. it's old already, get over yourself.

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