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Is this the line to kick Arpi's ass after he walks out of a broadway show tearing up from such a "heartfelt and deeply moving" performance?
Some bandwagon.
You send everyone a personal engraved invitation with your antics.
Quote:you always quit when you're losing,
i must have been reading the wrong thread.
Quote:Take a moment to gather your thoughts and then stick them up your petty, infantile, predictable and inanity ridden ass.
somebody found a thesaurus today!!
Quote:i must have been reading the wrong thread.
No, but I'm betting your vision just isn't the same since the STROKE, eh strokey?
Quote:somebody found a thesaurus today!!
Yeah, accuse the guy with the best vocabulary around of needing a thesaurus.
You would've looked better calling me a flaming faggot.
Quote:somebody found a thesaurus today!!
Your Honor, I rest my case.
It is clear that this overbearing, wannabe thespian, cretinous dimwit does
not know me.
Quote:accuse the guy with the best vocabulary around
william f. buckley is a member? cause i know we arent talking about you.
Quote:It is clear that this overbearing, wannabe thespian, cretinous dimwit does not know me.
Arpi has a shell?

Not crustacean.
Well, OK, but he's a jew, he might not eat shellfish.
Quote:overbearing, wannabe thespian, cretinous dimwit
if that was meant as a display of your vast vocabulary, i am less than impressed. :rofl:
Ah, trying to lure me into your usual fighting technique.
"If I can't beat 'em, I'll turn their words around and try to get them to defend themselves."
Eat a dick, cumstain.
I think the poet Tupac said it best.
Quote:You fuck around and catch a seizure or a heart-attack
You better back the fuck up
Before you get smacked the fuck up
This is how we do it on our side
Quote:if that was meant as a display of your vast vocabulary, i am less than impressed.
Would you be more impressed if he told you he knows Joey McIntyre?
Every time I masturbate, I think of Arpi.
Quote:if you spent a little less time listening to rap and a little more time looking for a job then maybe the server bill would be paid on time. then we could have avoided this little dust-up.
Dude, that really hurt, would you mind using that joke just one more time. I haven't heard it enough today, come on please. Maybe if you spent less time being the board critic on how things should be run, people wouldn't wanna see you disappear. Maybe if you had some heart you wouldn't whine and cry like a bitch at every turn, guess you can't waste too much of it can you?
Quote:board critic on how things should be run,
now you are just making shit up.
Quote:guess you can't waste too much of it can you?
i dont even get this reference. now you are just speaking in tongues.
I've seen pics.
Sean has a little button.
i can't wait until arpi threatens buttmunch with a bat
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