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if you spent a little less time listening to rap and a little more time looking for a job then maybe the server bill would be paid on time. then we could have avoided this little dust-up.
Every time I masturbate, I think of Arpi.
Quote:if you spent a little less time listening to rap and a little more time looking for a job then maybe the server bill would be paid on time. then we could have avoided this little dust-up.
Dude, that really hurt, would you mind using that joke just one more time. I haven't heard it enough today, come on please. Maybe if you spent less time being the board critic on how things should be run, people wouldn't wanna see you disappear. Maybe if you had some heart you wouldn't whine and cry like a bitch at every turn, guess you can't waste too much of it can you?
I've seen pics.
Sean has a little button.
welcome to the band wagon danked!! :-D
i can't wait until arpi threatens buttmunch with a bat
I complimented your vocabulary.
What do you want?
A hummer?
changed my mind. must be my lack of heart.
Edited By Arpikarhu on Sep. 21 2002 at 12:04
Quote:I feel unwanted.
How can we make arpi feel that way?
Awww, Alkey, not you sweetie.
I know you'd suck my dick in a heartbeat.
I'm just not worthy of Arpi's standards.
Therefore, he ignores me.
Shit, I guess from what I read, I can't even get threatened with a bat beating.
Quote:wouldnt make a difference
nope, you'd just keep growing more annoying by the day
You'd quit and then crawl back in a week, keep on saying you don't miss the board yet you keep coming back.
Quote:I'm just not worthy of Arpi's standards.
Dress up like a cat and dance around.
That might help.
boy! you guys sure have me pegged!! MORE!! MORE!! :bouncer:
Don't give him a choice. Just say goodbye.
If someone made me a mod, for just the ability to act once, I'd do it.
Even arpi is not worth breaking the tradition of not banning people.
We'll just have to force him to quit again.
You ban him, he wins.

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