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I know Gonzo has posted similar topics to this before. About people that need to say hi to you in the hallway at work 10 times a day.

What about those people that you blow off when they talk to you? Or tell them you don't like them. And they continue to say hi? How do you get rid of them?
Maynerd, I thought you needed all the friends you could get?
Why would I need more friends? I have too many as it is? :clueless:
this thread is about me cause I sent MayMay a "hi" PM.......
if I do it again he might throw me in the cell,
and shut my PMs off....
waaaaaaaaaaaait a second!!! :burnfucker:
Your ego is taking over. Who said it's about you? :poke:
Is the said person gay? Maybe they want you? If so, give them a little lovin and maybe they will move on.
Quote:? Or tell them you don't like them. And they continue to say hi? How do you get rid of them?

you post this moments after I send you a "hi" PM,
I think it is safe to connect those dots....

incoming 20 messages asking "why you don't like me"
enjoy them.
I ain't down wit OPP yo!
I don't really understand why Ken and Maynard aren't best friends to begin with. They both share a common interest. Lunch.
Maynard eats alone,
nuff said.
Yeah, you're right, I do usually eat alone. I don't need to beg people to eat with me Ken. People invite ME to lunch.
Quote:Yeah, you're right, I do usually eat alone.
People invite ME to lunch.

Meaning I usually eat alone, but when I don''s because someone invited ME. Not the other way around.

How did I know you weren't gonna understand that. Rolleyes
Seeing as this has become a lunch thread, I'm planning on an Uncle Ben's Rice Bowl - Chicken Alfredo.
I picture MayMay sitting having tea with his imaginary friends......

and fyi,
cunty invited me to lunch,
so there
Trying making a cross with your fingers and walk backward chanting "The power of Christ compells you!"

If that doesn't work, hand them Jehovah's Witnesses' literature every time they come near you and ask "So, how is your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ". You can pick it up free every morning in your local train station.
Pepperoni/Ham/Sausage Stromboli and a Vanilla Coke.
Ken...if you're really that excited about a woman inviting you to lunch, then go on. I won't crush your happy thought. I'm sorry.
Or maybe.... Chinese... Sesame Chicken, White Rice, and a delicious Eggroll.
I was just refuting your Ken begging comment.
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