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We cant all be the diceisgod of

You constantly remind me that I was a member of the now defunct messageboard with all of three posts I had there. However, I don't see any shame in it. Lent is a good kid who more times then not put his foot in his mouth. I have more respect for him then you'll ever get. He might have seemed like a jackass, and he may indeed be one but he had guts and guts is enough.
JESUS DIG! What the fuck are you explaining yourself for? You thin-skinned lil waif! Christ DIG, grow some balls!
Who's explaining themselves here? I'm confused. :lol:
dig was a lent
LOL - Nice try jewboy!

[Image: lentdig.jpg]
Freddy, I suggest posting a link to your site and starting a thread called "Make me post more, motherbitches." You'll be an instant success. Nice pic, btw.
i miss that guy Breakthru.
Quote:Freddy, I suggest posting a link to your site and starting a thread called "Make me post more, motherbitches." You'll be an instant success. Nice pic, btw.
You are one boring motherfucker.
"The pot and the kettle and Froy's silver spoon....."
Freddy and DIG should get a room already.
Oh boy here comes Goochy. The man with a $100,000 dollar education and the $3 personality.
Quote:Freddy and DIG should get a room already.

That line is getting realllllly old!
$100,000 education: shit...what do you're right.

$3 personality: shit...ditto.

at this point


But gooch has atleast a $20 personality.

That hurts :-(
I'm sorry dude but there is absolutly nothing you could ever do to top DIG. Don't frown though, we can't all be DIG he is an elite poster. You are still ok in my book, DIG is a jew though and he is right we are tighter than froy gripping his dick for a photo op.
Jews pay $8.50 at most for a personality.
Quote:I'm sorry dude but there is absolutly nothing you could ever do to top DIG. Don't frown though, we can't all be DIG he is an elite poster. You are still ok in my book, DIG is a jew though and he is right we are tighter than froy gripping his dick for a photo op.

Imagine that, a DIG drone. Thats fucking brilliant!
Freddy you really don't have to prove to me that you can make everyone including myself hate you, I believe you dude.
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