Full Version: What's on your computer? - Physically
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Quote:two small McDonald's stuffed animals (which double as dusters for the screen).

Desk has two bins for paper, Pluto mug with pens & pencils, checkbook, digital camera, water bottle (to squirt the dogs when they get annoying), CDs, nail file, nail clippers, notebook, Sears "tool territory" mouse pad, and a rock.

Me too, that's odd.
A speaker, a bunch of papers from school, a win2k cd, and some porn.
a rock? pretty rock? special rock? color/size/texture?
Just a rock, about an inch big, white with black going through it. Kind of looks like a brain. Sort of has craters or something in it. Want me to take a picture of it?

I'm not sure where it came from or why it's on my desk. My guess would be one of the dogs brought it in and I just never brought it back outside.
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