Full Version: Up in smoke
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If this was in the Short Bus, Keyser would have just said "herpes stick"
Thats what my Vulgaratron 2000© is for.
Quote:And the enjoyment derived from inhaling a cigarette deeply during a shitty, stress-filled day = priceless
If I went to a Doctor, do you think he could perscribe Paxil, or Percocet, or Valium or something

I smoke a pack a day (at least) and I spend around $200 a month on :fuggin: . So whats that come out to? Something like $350 a month on smoking. ACK! :crackhead:
now wonder you are all poor.
Who say's I'm poor? I mean...I'm no LZMF, but I survive. Undecided're right. I'm fucking poor as shit.

Welcome back, Arpi.
So, I'm guessing the irritability part of the withdrawal is kicking in. :burnfucker:
I miss the edit button Undecided
you all have yellow teeth
Quote:I've got a pole you can smoke that is considerably less hazerdous and for you, free

I think she's already tried that

Quote:And I only smoke Ultra-light anyway


i enjoy cigs
i haven't had one in over a day
but i plan on having a few beers after work
i'll definatley have a couple then

maymay....200 a month?
ugh, i'm in trouble
i double that sometimes :fuggin:
Does she get half of Sean's loathing?
Well.....the $200 a month is just my personal stash.

And thats only for a 1/2. Undecided
kinda the same here
hydro about125 to 150 for a 1/2

for about 150 to 200 a 1/2
but many people have been light this time of year
Quote:I think she's already tried that

pig :-p :poke:
wait....ladi's handing out blow jobs??
but you thought it was funny
and i know you don't think i'm a pig :lol:
pig with dimples? :clueless:

Quote:wait....ladi's handing out blow jobs??
if I ask for a carton, it's not as slutty right
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