Full Version: Fortune cookie wisdom
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Little game. Right a fortune cookie message for another board member. Bonus points if it's funnier when you add "in bed" to it. Minus points if it's ONLY funny when you ad "in bed" to it.


<div align="center">There's a huge bowl in your future
take it to table 3.</div>
Vagina Lips
Can I just steal an old one?


Man with hand in pants, feel cocky all day.
He who go to bed with Itchy ass wake up with stinky finger.

<div align="center">Your investments have matured more than you have.</div>


<div align="center">If wife only take half, why you left with hole?</div>


<div align="center">Felt duckie when fuckie, now she make you all grumpie.</div>

Edited By Arthur Dent on Sep. 26 2002 at 5:28
no read you lucky, cause this thread is sucky
when brain starts to seize, lay down
he who jerks off into cash register, will come into money.
You have such a way with words
That's not chicken in your chicken chow mein
Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
you are as stale as this cookie.
To Ladi -
Confucious say - "Lady who bend over and touch toes, quickly realizes it is year of the snake", in bed.