Full Version: Have you settled down in your life? - If not, where do you want to go?
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I was thinking about this the other day and I thought I'd ask it aloud. Are you settled down in your life and if not, where do you want to go? I don't mean in a job or family, i meant in more of a locality sense. Do you want to live the rest of your life where you are at now, or do you want to go elsewhere, settle down and make a life there.

Personally I always thought I'd be here my whole life, but I'm not to sure anymore. The area is changed, too many spanish moving in and fucking up the area i think. I don't mean to sound racist, but it's the truth. They've virtually taken over all the area around here and expect everyone to acquiesce to them, not the other way around. So I'm thinking of maybe sticking around here for a couple more years and then moving myself west. I've been to the midwest but I don't think I want to be there, too much open space, not enough job areas. Ultimately I think I would like to settle either in Indiana or Ohio. Both have beautful areas of land and big cities as well. If I had to make a choice, it was be Indy because I like Indianapolis so much. So, where would you settle?
I've always wanted to move to Delaware.
Don't make fun. These guys are from Delaware, and they look like party animals to me!

[Image: delaware.jpg]
I'm moving when I graduate....New York's become a bit too much for me....going to get my Masters in another city and if I like it there, settle there....I got a few places in mind....not 100% sure yet though.
well, i've been in ny almost 4 years, which is about the longest i've ever lived anywhere. i do like it here though, we'll see...
Funny that I'm reading this topic from Las Vegas.


I'm getting the fuck out of Jersey after nearly 15 years. :bouncer:
I like my house and the area I live in, but, like everything else around here...the cost of living is just too fucking high. Before I took the job I'm at now, I looked at relocating to the Mid-Atlantic states (not much cheaper, but nicer). Now, if I had to pick someplace I'd like to move to and stay in......I'd have to say North Carolina/South Carolina. Huge houses for cheap....pretty mild weather year round (except hurricane season) so I could basically ride my motorcycle 12 months a year :thumbs-up:
One of my best friends Moved to Las Vegas 2 month's ago and he's looking for a job for me out there I hate this state.
I like where I am right now, so I'll definitely be staying here for awhile (at least until my son gets out of school). After that, who knows? I'd like to be able to retire to a house on the water somewhere.
Only Kid would be on-line at 3 in the morning while in Vegas. Sad.

Facey, Indianapolis and Ohio are in the midwest, so either you like it or you don't. Pay very close attention to life in Indianapolis. They really do roll up the sidewalks at sundown there.

I have lived in Wisconsin, Alaska, Arizona, Iowa ( Confuseduicide: ), and now PA. Alaska and Arizona were both awesome. But I really do like living in eastern PA. I'm too young to think about settling down at this point in my life.
Quote:I'm too young

Why do you say things like this??? :clueless:
Quote:Why do you say things like this???
Somebody has to dispel the myth that I'm old.
But you've outlived anybody that can :crackhead:
Quote:Have you settled down in your life?
personal goals haven't been meet
dreams are unfufilled
it will be awhile
Quote:Only Kid would be on-line at 3 in the morning while in Vegas. Sad.

its a diffrent time zone silly ass.

im not any where near settled in my young, and have pleanty of time to figure that all out.
I've lived in the same neighborhood in Queens for my entire life (except the 3 months I spent in London). I can't picture living anywhere where I can't go into Manhattan on the weekends. But, then I really haven't travelled too much either.

I can picture moving to Jersey or out on Long Island. Somewhere with a lot of land and trees, but still only an hour or two from the city. Anything further would require me getting married first, or changing jobs and the only job I could find was far away.
Quote:I have lived in Wisconsin, Alaska, Arizona, Iowa

I sooooo want to move to alaska.
I've wanted to move to the Pacific Northwest for aoubt 10 years now. Hopefully sometime soon I'll get the balls to drop my friends and family and pick up and go.

Anywhere you move thats more than a 3 hour car ride from family is tough. So moving across country or to another country would be hard. Unless of course, you don't like your family.
Quote:its a diffrent time zone silly ass.
True, that makes it worse. That means Kid was online at midnight in Vegas. Even sadder. Kid, go chase some women, gamble, get drunk. You know, the typical Vegas touristy things.

Sean, Alaska fucking rocks!
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