Full Version: What's brown and sticky?
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and california
as well as, Indiana & Maine :thumbs-up:
that joke gets 2 out of 5 LOL's
galt has been reading again
I most certainly have not.
how about you hit him with "liar liar pants on fire"
yes you have. ron ron something posted a thread about this today.

So, what you're saying is that people on that board read the news too?
eh, someone made the same stick joke. that's the only reason i said something.
I did not get anything from that board. It was a 100% original joke that I stole from a newpaper story
ok i believe you. christ.
Quote:ok i believe you, christ.
i dont believe you anymore
Does anyone really care where the joke came from? It really wasn't that funny...
Quote:So, what you're saying is that people on that board read the news too?
not since Ikea stopped posting :-(
What's more important is what happened to all my fucking warnings.

Now, I'm no better than HyBriD
you're a diry copy cat. that's what you are.
wait, so what was this supposed news story about?
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