Full Version: Yankees lose thuuuuuuhhhh yankees lose!! - Ahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
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Best sign of the series and it said it all, "Half the payroll, twice the heart!"
Think of it this way, it's that much more golf they can play before spring training. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Look how all the cocksuckers come crawling out all smug now. Where was the smugness the last 100 years while your teams were losing?
:fuckoff: I bet you were a Yankees fan in '96 when everyone jumped back on the bandwagon, now that its not so fashionable you'll go and spew the payroll shit. Suck a cock.
Sorry kiddo, I was a Yankee fan the day I was born and my dad put the Yankee bib on me. Try someone else with the bandwagon bullshit.
Oh wait, that wasn't for me, was It? Damn this "No edit button" bullshit.
Never have been and never will be a yankee fan. Sorry wrong guy. As for that last hundred years comment, it seems that the d-backs (who also are now gone) won last year :-p
funny how "won" and "one" sound so similar.
Zooty...the bandwagon was not for you :-)

As for the other can still suck a cock...
go twins
Quote:Zooty...the bandwagon was not for you
You'd think I would have figured that out by the big Yankee avatar on your post. Undecided
This was the best thing that could happen to baseball even better than avoiding a strike. It's also one of the best things that could happen to me. I hate the Yankees. :-D
Quote:you can still suck a cock...

So bitter over the early exit. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Bitter? Me? Never.

Besides, I've been recruited into hockey.... :crackhead:
Can someone explain to me why the fuck the fifth game of the Twins/A's series is not on TV anywhere?

Satellite, cable, network...nothing.

it's on channel 61 here, hope that helps.
I can't get the Twins/A's game either, i'm too wrapped up in football to care much though.

I have to admit I did have quite a bit of guilty pleasure in watch the Yanks lose after all the shit my Mets have been through this yet. I am a bitter pathetic Mets fan.
Quote:Besides, I've been recruited into hockey....

I do hope you had the good sense not to be recruited by the rangers :crackhead:
Quote:funny how "won" and "one" sound so similar

funny how they aren't a 10 year old team too...
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